Vids on the web ?


Sep 30, 2005
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Thems me Java's .


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OPEN Java? Fine... but I still would go by Sun Java.

Also: Can you give me examples of vids that won't play (linkys)?
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They all play fine here.

One question: do you have packages called "swfdec" or "gnash" (open flash "replacements") installed? If yes, remove them, and see if that makes a difference.


Plenty of "bug threads" like this one: BBC video not working in 64bit Jaunty(solved)
Thanks for the help but i have found the problem now. I uninstalled
Adobe flashplugin and noticed that Youtube was still working? so i went
to synaptic and found that i also had installed another
flashplayer(swfdec) . Once i uninstalled that and reinstalled Adobe all
is working fine.
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Abarbarian said:
Not sure what you mean by Sun Java.I'm guessing it is another version made by different folk. Those showing came as part of the main install.
Yup. And while I think the culprit may well be swfdec hiding in your Mandy... let's go through this one as well.

Go to Software Install on Mandriva Control Center and install the following packages (don’t forget to set it to show all packages not only the ones with GUI)

  • win32-codecs (EDIT: win64-codecs, if you're running 64 bit Mandy?)
  • real-codecs
  • xanim-codecs
  • libdvdcss2
Now, install “ntfs-config” from Mandriva Control Center – Install Software in order to be able to enable write support for external devices using NTFS.

Also install the following packages for proper JAVA support
  • java-1.6.0-sun
  • java-1.6.0-sun-alsa
  • java-1.6.0-sun-plugin
Now let’s go to and click on “Get Flash Player” and download the RPM version of the flash player and then install it.

Remove java-1.6.0-openjdk and java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin before installing the java-1.6.0-sun packages!

Methinks OpenJDK (aka IcedTea) isn't quite ready yet. Better stick with Sun's packages for a while.


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Whew it weren't easy and it still don't work 100%.

Took ages so I'll tell the tale in several parts. Found this link just after I posted yesterday and was going to follow the trail, but your way seemed a bit better.

This guys method left me perplexed as he seems to be running the same os as me, but,

  • win32-codecs (EDIT: win64-codecs, if you're running 64 bit Mandy?)
  • real-codecs
  • xanim-codecs
  • libdvdcss2
The only one of these I could find in Software management was "real-codecs" the rest just could not be found.
As to his,

"Now, install “ntfs-config” from Mandriva Control Center – Install Software in order to be able to enable write support for external devices using NTFS."

You can already mount and unmount HDD's but you have to go through the Configure My Computer section and fiddle about. Anyways I installed it and now my Configure My Computer is borked. I have un-installed it but am still borked so I'm going to reboot to see if will fix itself.

"One question: do you have packages called "swfdec" or "gnash" (open flash "replacements") installed? If yes, remove them, and see if that makes a difference."

Had both of these installed and so I un-installed em.

Took out the old java and installed the sun-java got the latest flash and things still did not work.

Then I noticed a 64 bit version of flash and followed the torturous tril to installing it, and, whoope I can now watch three of the links I gave earlier.
The BBC link however starts up and then closes FF for me, so well done the beeb.

So many thanks once again for your help
Now all I have to do is get me mount and unmount working again. God bless Acronis is all I can say.

Well there is something wacky going on with the mount unmount in Mandy. I tried with the “ntfs-config” installed and un-installed with and without re-boots and apart from that glitch mentioned earlier it does not seem to make a jot of difference.
However I am able to mount unmount via Configure My Computer again.
I recon there is some serious bug in this 64bit I hope the clever folk get it sorted soon. Never had this problem in the other Mandy I tried so it is abit puzzling.
I'm seriously thinking of giving the 32 bit version a try but most things seem to work ok in the 64 bit so I might stick with it for a bit longer.


You just knew I would have to plough me way through yet another epic didn't you
Gimme the outputs of
# fdisk -l
# cat /etc/fstab

(# = as root)
First four pictures show pc without external drive plugged in. I have left that “ntfs-config” installed so I don't know what difference that makes.




These are with the external drive pluged in. It runs of an E-Sata cable. They do not mount automatically.




I mounted "Imp Doc" and as you can see I now get an unmount notice, but when I click on it I get a not able to use it message.




If I plug in usb sticks or a usb powered hdd then they are automatically mounted ie: I can read/write etc. However when I try to unmount them similar to above then I get a pink message saying "unable to as device busy". I just pull em out and get no problems.

Just thought I'll see what happens if I have the external plugged in when I switch the pc on.

Ok switch pc on with external plugged in and they mount automatically. They will not un-mount as above, only way is via the Configure My Computer route.



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The Bloodaxe partition/disk galore, huh?

In order to make my wee nugget understand where we are:

1. The win partitions on internal drive: are they automagically mounted?

2. If not, WERE they automagically mounted before the... ahem... ntfs installfest?

3. The E-Sata external drive: it isn't automagically mounted now... how about before?

4. External drive/USB sticks unmounting problem: is this also a new problem?
Ok here goes,

500 GB drive - all of it automagically mounts - only way to un-mount anything is via CMC manually.

320 GB drive - automagically mounts if pluged in when pc switched on - only way to un-mount anything is via CMC

320 GB drive - has to be manually mounted if pluged in when pc working - only way to un-mount anything is via CMC

USB drives - automagically mount - these don't want to un-mount whatever I try.

I'm almost sure this was the same before I installed the “ntfs-config”. That "ntfs-config" does not seem to do anything. I never even heard about it till yesterday and Mandy seemed to work sort of ok till then.


I have loads of partitions because I found it esier to keep track of things. Also I thought it would help to keep the pc speedy if I had say "games" at the begining of the disk and stuff like "memories" not used very often at the end of the disc. Guess I should have put the Linux stuff at the beggining of the disc as it is used a lot. I always have Windows os on its own partition about 50 Gb as it is easy to backup and restore, just in case I need to. I would make it smaller like the linux root partition but it don't quite work that way. Seems perculiar , well I am self taught after all and techy stuff is hard to master for a barbarian.
The issue with USB sticks not unmounting is a strange one... will investigate further. Sounds sooo much like Windoze - I've never come across this with my Linux installs.

RE: external disk: when you have a moment, boot the machine WITHOUT the external disk connected, and gimme the output of...
# cat /etc/fstab
Oh, and make sure you have BOTH ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g installed... they're needed if you want to write onto a NTFS partition.
Urmas said:
The issue with USB sticks not unmounting is a strange one... will investigate further. Sounds sooo much like Windoze - I've never come across this with my Linux installs.

RE: external disk: when you have a moment, boot the machine WITHOUT the external disk connected, and gimme the output of...
# cat /etc/fstab
Oh, and make sure you have BOTH ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g installed... they're needed if you want to write onto a NTFS partition.

Just installing Mandriva 2009.1 from the discs allows you to read and write to NTFS partitions. no need to install anything else. Used mandy for two months that way.
That is why this "ntfs-3g" had me puzzled.
Will try later on tonight.
Here is what is installed.


Just the pc started up


You get the same output if you start the pc and then plug in the external drive.
You get the same output if you start the pc with the external drive plugged in.
That is the same as the picture above.

Mandy Mud splish splash splosh.



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Mandy Mud splish splash splosh.

Wade in the water.
Wade in the water, children.
Wade in the water.
God's gonna trouble the water.



You could do...
su -
 (root password)
 kwrite /etc/fstab
... and weed out all the entries for "sdb partitions", then reboot and let Mandy recreate them. But... I've been reading a bit, and it looks like HAL...


... ahem... no, the OTHER HAL (the [Linux] hardware abstraction layer) still sees SATA disks as "fixed". So I doubt if that'll make a difference in hotplugging/unmounting.

But the USB sticks: next time you get the "device busy" baloney, do this (in terminal):
# fuser -m /dev/sdc1
(Assuming the stick is sdc1.)

The command'll spit out a number, for example /dev/sdc1: 538.
To find out who's hiding behind the number and keeping the device busy, do...
# ps auxw|grep 538
... and you'll get the bastage: donncha 538 0.4 2.7 219212 56792 ? SLl Feb11 11:25 rhythmbox.
In this example, it wasn't the butler, but Rhytmbox. Just replace that 528 with... you know...


Thanks for the help ol buddy. I errrr had a small problem with something else and had to errr use a full backup. Of course this meant I had to redo all the flash stuff, ha ha.
Still all sorted now.
That NTFS thing is a pain and I hope Mandriva gets it sorted soon.


Yup I messed up again but I will get the hang of it eventualy.


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