Thanks you for this useful advice.
All the presentations that contain these videos worked
perfectly well when used with Powerpoint 2000.
The reason I am making this point is because there are
quite a lot of presentation involved here. The user
involved is not happy to amend everything so things are
getting difficult. I will check the file location and name
to see the length.
Many Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
There are at least two ways for you to sort this out! You
could read this excellent explanation:
or the idiot's solution is as follows:
Open Windows Movie Maker (it is in the Accessories
folder). Open a new project, import your movie file, drag
it to the timeline and then under "Finish Movie" save it
to your computer. Now insert this new movie into
PowerPoint. Since it is written in a codec that is
installed on your machine, it should work.
Of course if you burn to a CD and take the CD to another
computer, who can guarantee that the codec will be