Video YES, Audio NO

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I just bought a HP Media Center 7260. The reason why I choosed this one is
that HP confirmed to me that I would be able to transfer analog signal to
Last night, I connected the RCA wires from the outputs of my VCR to the
front of my HP computer. The yellow in yellow, the red in red, the white in

In Movie maker, I choosed the right "audio input source" : LINE IN 1 or 2.
Once I begin to capture, I have a perfect image but no sound during the
transfert. When it was finish, there was no sound in the edit/timeline box.

It's a problem that seems to comeback for many user... Everything should be
automatic. Where is the problem ? Sound card ? Is there anything else I
should set up before ???

Thanks for your help,
You say you set up the right audio source, but then give 2 options?
Did you select the right source in volume control?
If this is a new computer, why not ask the seller to demostrate how to use
it properly?

You won't hear audio during capture, but it should be there when you've

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media

"Jean ( John ) in the mix" <Jean ( John ) in the
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
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