video.wmv not a valid wwm project file???

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I made a video. Saved it to a CD. When I try to play it from the disc a
message says--video.wmv is not a valid project file. I can't play anything
I've created. I'm even having trouble importing into wwm. I pretty much
can't do anything. I started having this trouble when I was trying to
upgrade to mm2. (Which I can't seem to do.) I would appreciate any help I
can get. Thanks
Your project would be filename.mswmm (you may only have saved the movie and
not the project)

Videos you make (.wmv files) should play in Windows Media Player if you
double-click them

What are you doing to play it from the CD that you get this error?

If you want to bring a video you make (a .wmv) back into moviemaker for some
reason, then you would need to import it, not open it.
I saved the video from a file that says it is a movie maker project.
However, it says video.wmv -- not-- video.mswmm. It does open and play in
media player. I didn't think it was supposed to. I chose to open with movie
maker instead. I wanted to be able to take it back to movie maker and burn
it to a DVD. The odd thing is that when I first started the project I could
get it to come up in movie maker from the CD. I've evidently changed
something somwhere unknowingly. Any ideas? I'm not sure but it seems that
it changed after I did this:

I was trying to upgrade to MM2. I followed some instruction that said --
copy C:\RegisteredPack\60BFF50P-FB26-4498-A577-C9548C390BB9 into
C:\ProgramFiles\MovieMaker. Replace file. Right click the Mm20ex.inf file
and install. Double click Moviemk.exe. I never got that to work but it
seems I couldn't get my file to work after that. Does that make sense? I
REALLY appreciate your help. Thanks for the reply!
OK. I checked again and when I try to bring it up it does say .wmv and not a
valid project file but in the original document I saved it does say the file
type is MSWMM.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!! I din't realize I
had to import the video instead of open it. When I took this to my friends
house the other day to burn it it showed the movie but no music. Can you
help me there? One more question.... I still haven't been able to upgrade
to MM2. Any ideas? Thank you soooooooooo much!!!