Video Transfer Problem

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I have just installed a new motherboard and Processor into my PC, I have all
the latest drivers, bios and movie maker. when i attempt to transfer video
from camera to PC movie maker will rewind the tape as normal and then tells
me an unknown error has occured when attempting transfer the video and closes
the transfer window.

I'm using win XP home sp2 and a firewire card, windows recognises the camera
in the normal way and it can be seen in windows explorer

Please can anyone help with this problem

Power the machine down and gently remove and re-insert ALL of the PCI cards
paying particular attention to the Graphics and Firewire card

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Sorry john, I tried what you said, I even changed PCI slots for the firewire
card. It still does not work. Thank you.
Hello there,

At the moment I can think of a few possibilities. some easy to explain and a
few dangerous and hard to explain.

How proficient are you with CMOS settings in the BIOS. Do you have the PCI
settings properly configured??? Do you have a sharing violation? Only if you
know how, you should consider forcing IRQ numbers into the right configuration
so that the Firewire card has its own IRQ number...that's sometimes harder than
it sounds. In addition you should check that the PCI cards are not in the
situation of sharing reserved memory....its VERY unlikely that it is one of
your problems but all the same possible. If that situation has occurred without
prior intervention by yourself then you may have a motherboard problem which
would be right on the edge of my experience.

Moving on from there..does your firewire card have a Texas Instruments chipset.
I can't say whether this is true or not but I have read that the TI chipset on
a firewire card does not work well either with XP or Movie Maker.

Going back to the motherboard for a moment. Have you considered removing the
battery and perform a CMOS unrelated matters that one has worked
twice for me. In addition, in the CMOS settings you will often see the option
of loading "Standard" CMOS settings or "Turbo" settings. Not many realise that
Turbo is there for bench testing the motherboard and that it is not really
suitable for normal use. Often the CPU will not function as well as it should
and the RAM will also display checksum errors that require repeat can get around that by using matched RAM blocks that have a very
high speed.

Moving on to the software might want to consider grabbing the full
downloads of DirectX 9.0c, Windows Codecs and Windows Media Player...install in
that order with two reboots between each install...its important that you do
not do an install over the internet...if there is a problem it will likely be
glossed over as in the first time you did it. If still no look, install SP2
(again) :(

At the moment, I can't think of anything else for you to look at. work through
it and let us know how bad things are afterwards.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
God dont you hate this dick head John Kelly, he thing he
is the be all and end all of computers. He tells yo the
most basic shit like have you got the power cord plugged
in" Unless you got some helpful suggestions John Kelly
why dont you go back to checking the power cable instead
of giving out these crap suggestions, almost as bad as
your website!