Windows NetMeeting
Microsoft NetMeeting is already installed in Windows XP.
Perform the following procedure to access it:
1. Right-click on your Desktop and select NEW > SHORTCUT
2. In the Create Shortcut box type: "C:\Program Files\NetMeeting\conf.exe" , and click Next.
3. Type in a name for the shortcut, such as NetMeeting, then click Finish.
4. A convenient shortcut to NetMeeting will appear on your Desktop.
5. You can also open NetMeeting this way: Start > Run and type: Conf.exe , and hit enter.
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Be Smart! Protect Your PC!
| Hi,
| At the company I work for we have a factory in the
| Czech Republic, what we are looking for is some sort of
| video conferance software for XP. Free would be
| better!!!. Any ideas anyone......
| Thanks