Video Size

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Is there a way i can keep it from stretching my picture or video file to fit the whole screen. B\c i have i low quality video file i want to put on a movie but when movie maker stretches it, it looks horrible. Can i keep movie maker from stretching it?
Hello There,

When Movie Maker creates the movie it includes information at the very
start of the movie in a place called the "Header". This information
instruct whatever program you use to play the movie on a number of things,
one of which is the width and height the movie should be played at.

When playing a movie in Media Player you have the opportunity to play the
movie in a range of sizes. One of these sizes is 100%

If you are viewing your movie at 100% (the normal thing to do) and it
appears as though it has been stretched then the output from movie maker
was set up incorrectly. (See last paragraph)

If you are viewing your movie in Media Player or similar at any size
greater than the original intended size then it will always appear

Movie Maker has the ability to modify the final movie size. The option that
does this is displayed in the wizard arrived at by clicking FILE > SAVE
MOVIE. The window title is Movie Setting. In this window will be a range of
options which are dependent on the material being saved. Its here that you
make the choice about the width and height of the movie If no obvious
option is displayed you can use the "Best Fit To File Size" option and
reduce the bit rate until the Movie width and height drop to the desired
John Kelly said:
Hello There,

To all of you who sent emails about the website, and for any of you who
might wonder what's going on....I took an overdose of idiot pills some time
this afternoon....and deleted most of the website from the server!!! I
actually sat there watching one directory after another vanish and thinking
"that seems to be taking rather a long time" Well it took long enough for
most of the site to disappear.

The complete web site is now uploading, as it is rather large this will
take some time to achieve So please hang on...service will be resumed as
soon as the idiots pills wear off!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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