Brad in H-Town
Hello - I have been trying to resolve this problem for
days now by myself. I am hoping that by reaching out I
will get some help.
I have windows XP Professional installed. I recently
updated to SP2. Everything appeared to be fine. I
updated to DirectX 9.0c and then everything fell apart.
Without touching the drivers for my Geforce3 TI500 (old I
know) my display has been trashed. I experience very
heavy artifacts just running windows, at any resolution.
I am NOT talking gaming here - that's not possible at the
moment. The artifacts are worsened when scrolling or
opening and closing apps (new form windows).
I have tried every NVidia driver realeased in the last 18
months. The only thing that works enough for me is to
uninstall all NVidia drivers and just hit cancel at the
new hardware found screen. Obviously this is not ideal
since none of the card's graphics power is being used,
gaming is nto going to happen, and the display is slow.
DirectX 9.0c can not be uninstalled. No NVidia drivers
work. Do I have to return to pre-SP2? I like the
security features but this is killing my video abilities
(= No fun being had and much lost time).
Has anyone else reported problems going to DirectX 9.0c
and SP2?
Please help.
days now by myself. I am hoping that by reaching out I
will get some help.
I have windows XP Professional installed. I recently
updated to SP2. Everything appeared to be fine. I
updated to DirectX 9.0c and then everything fell apart.
Without touching the drivers for my Geforce3 TI500 (old I
know) my display has been trashed. I experience very
heavy artifacts just running windows, at any resolution.
I am NOT talking gaming here - that's not possible at the
moment. The artifacts are worsened when scrolling or
opening and closing apps (new form windows).
I have tried every NVidia driver realeased in the last 18
months. The only thing that works enough for me is to
uninstall all NVidia drivers and just hit cancel at the
new hardware found screen. Obviously this is not ideal
since none of the card's graphics power is being used,
gaming is nto going to happen, and the display is slow.
DirectX 9.0c can not be uninstalled. No NVidia drivers
work. Do I have to return to pre-SP2? I like the
security features but this is killing my video abilities
(= No fun being had and much lost time).
Has anyone else reported problems going to DirectX 9.0c
and SP2?
Please help.