Video problem when inserting video

  • Thread starter Thread starter Erwin
  • Start date Start date


Hello there,

I just found out when I recorded / imported a video in WMM2, all goes pretty
good the way I want it, but:

It seems that the piixels "dont keep up with the moving of the camera".
With moving images there appear lots of horizontal stripes and some pixels
"move with a delay".... or something
Sorry for my poor English ........... I hope that you understand what I

I stored the video in AVI- format, because I want to edit that file in Nero.
Maybe I had to save it as a High Video PAL quality, as a Windows Media File?
I hope not, because Nero doesn't accept that file.

Many thanks in advance.

Greetings from newbe Erwin
Could be artifiacts related to interlacing. When you burn it in Nero to a
disc (my assumption of why you'll be using Nero) you won't see the
interlacing in the final disc.