Video imported as Audio

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When I import a video (in mpeg format) into my collections it imports it as
audio. When I run it there is only sound.

It does not create clips but one single file although I did select the
option to create clips. This problem I think will disappear when I solve the
above problem.
Try converting the file to AVI.
Movie Maker doesn't like MPEG files very well and doesn't like MPEG2 files
at all.
I'm having the same problem as Richard C.

I had to reinstall XP last week and before that WMM was working absolutely
fine with mpeg files and now it only sees the audio and not the video.

I can't figure out what I need to change to get it back to the way it used
to be.
Sorry it took me so long I have been out of town.
When you reinstalled XP did you also go online and upgrade to SP2?
If you did then you also upgraded to WMM 2.1 which is probably why you are
having problems with the Mpeg's. All I can really tell you is that you were
lucky that you were able to get them to work and WMM definitely does not
like mpeg files and especially mpeg2 files. Converting them is definitely
the best option.
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Dedicated in loving memory of our son Christopher Lee
:( I have way too many files to convert. It would take forever. Not to
mention too much space.

And I'm sure we had SP2 installed before anyway.