Yesterday my computer worked fine. Today I turn it on, and the monitor
is filled with colored lines with semi-readable words embedded in the
colored chaos I am seeing. I should note this occurred when I first
turned on the computer and before booting. Even when I boot to Dos, I
cant see the screen since its all covered with this mass of colors and
lines. No one else has used the computer since I last used it.
The computer is a 700mhz running Windows 98.
I first tightened the video connector, then tried another monitor.
Nothing changed. Both monitors get the same mess on the screen. I
booted to a floppy, again no change. This mobo has a built in video.
I pluged in an old pci video card and now I am getting a normal
picture again.
Did my onboard video fry (I sure cant see how since the computer was
shut off. Or could this be some CMOS setting issue, which would mean
my battery is weak.
is filled with colored lines with semi-readable words embedded in the
colored chaos I am seeing. I should note this occurred when I first
turned on the computer and before booting. Even when I boot to Dos, I
cant see the screen since its all covered with this mass of colors and
lines. No one else has used the computer since I last used it.
The computer is a 700mhz running Windows 98.
I first tightened the video connector, then tried another monitor.
Nothing changed. Both monitors get the same mess on the screen. I
booted to a floppy, again no change. This mobo has a built in video.
I pluged in an old pci video card and now I am getting a normal
picture again.
Did my onboard video fry (I sure cant see how since the computer was
shut off. Or could this be some CMOS setting issue, which would mean
my battery is weak.