Video freezes (audio does not) when put onto storyboard.

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I am using WMM 5.1 for Windows XP- service pack 2- if that helps. It's a
brand new computer so I should not have any memory issues or the like and I
just defragged, etc.

The first segment of the project I assembled is ok with transitions and all.
No problems. When I went back to add more of the clips I had-I now have the
issue of them freezing. Some freeze mid-clip, some at the begining. The
audio keeps playing. I wonder if it has to do with my moving the trim points.
For example I'll cut a portion of a clip by moving the end trim point. Then
I'll put the same clip on the board again and effectively cut it by moving
the beginning trim point past the part I was trying to cut out and then let
it play from there.
I have no idea if this is an ok way to do it or not. I'm just trying to
learn how to use this and this is my first attempt.
I appreciate any help or guidance to where I might find it.
Wojo posted this I just saw on another thread to me...I didn't receive

"Splitting the clip wouldn't have "corrupted" it but if there was an indexing
problem to begin with then splitting may have caused the problem, I don't
know for certain, so using Media Encoder to reindex the file should fix the
You may or may not have to reimport and start your project over again. Since
you are fixing the source file and Movie Maker still reads that source file
when working with the clips it is likely that you will not need to rebuild
your project.

ANyways- does this still apply given my more detailed explanation above? And
if so- how on earth does one use the Media encoder to fix it? Where do I find
the encoder and how would I proceed?? This is all new. Thanks for your
patience :)
No my post doesn't apply anymore in reading the information you are
providing now, I understood it to be only a single clip causing problems.
First of all, and I don't remember the specifics of your other post
completely, is it safe to assume that ALL the clips you are using are of the
same filetype (same extensions)?
If so then try a little experiment.
Start a NEW project and only drag the clips that you wanted to use when the
problems started to the timeline (IE: "When I went back to add more of the
clips...") and try to save just that segment of the movie.
If it works without a problem then there is a different issue and we will
need to look into it further (possibly a complexity issue) but if it doesn't
then you know there is a problem with one of the clips you are trying to
So do I understand correctly- You suggest taking the original clips as they
are in my collections and creat a new project (including any editing) up to
the last pic (the last item it was a pic, not a clip)I had in place before
the issues began?
I had converted all movie clips to .AVI.
OK- I *think* I may have a clue of the issue. I shot footage with 2
different devices- my Kodak Z740 camera as well as my Canon ZR200 video
camera (on the card). I *think* I have noticed slight glitches (slight
freezing) in possibly 2 video clips from the Kodak. It seems as if the
glitches (if I indeed see correctly) amplify the more clips are added to the
project from the point of the first Kodak clip.
I'm seeing this in the clips in my collection, before inserting them into a
2nd try at the movie.

If this is th e problem (compatability of devices??) - is there a solution?
I hope this makes sense.
Hi Pamela
Yes that does make sense I believe.
As far as a solution I don't know about that since it seems that the problem
is on the original footage.
You could try reindexing the files with Windows Media Encoder but I honestly
doubt it will help.
Hi Wojo- I appreciate your help.

When you say re-index with the media encoder- what do you mean, exactly, or
rather, how would one do it? I am unfamiliar to say the least with the
program. I have no idea if I have it or not nor how to use it.
Also, is it possible that it was just an issue with a certain segment of
footage? I'm hoping the camera is not defective- it's brand new. The issue
was not present, I do not beleive, the first few times I veiwed the segments,
however I cannot be certain as I was not looking for it. I'm going to see if
I have any other segments fromthe same time that were not affected. I do have
more footage taken with the camera I could check. ~sigh~

Incidentally- if useful- The footage went 1st into Kodak Easy Share, then I
saved a shortcut to my desktop, I then ran it through "ConvertMovie" to
change it to .AVI format.
Hi Pamela
Media Encoder is a free program from Microsoft you can download from them: Search "Media Encoder"
If you open the file in Media Encoder and then close it again it should
automatically reindex itself, otherwise you can use Media Encoder to save
again as a AVI file and it will use an XP AVI codec.
I doubt the camera is defective. I missed the fact that you converted the
files, it is very possible that the error occurred during that process.
Optimizing your system for capturing/converting and then converting again
may solve the problem. See this website for details on optimizing your
Thnaks Wojo.
OK- I downloaded the Encoder, however I feel out of my league. I'm
compleltey unfamiliar with it. It does state that re-encoding previoulsy
encoded files could lead to less than optimum performance....?

When you say open the file in media encoder- which file do you mean? The one
I created in moviemaker? the original clips? I'm not even sure how to find
the files- OK I see how when I browse under "source file" my video clips pop
up in the MY Videos box, however the offending clips are not shown there....
Hmmm Now I did save the converted fileson my desktop for ease of locating-I
guess they are there. I'll have to look. I'm concerned about losing the
originals or messing htem up with all this dinkering, but I guess they are
safe in Easy Share- where they first dwlded to....
Oh my gosh -optimizing is work! LOL I'll have to think on it...