I just want to speed up my SVCD making, seems to take FOREVER on my Xp

and at top quality settings takes 8 hours or more !
Can i buy a HArdware PCi card to do it faster ? and if so how much
faster ?
Or maybe updateing to an Amd 64 3400 will speed it up well it woudl
but by how much any estimates, 120minute movie converted to SVCD ?
Thanks for any help you maybe give and MErry Christmas, it aint that
far away.
Thats what happens when you set motion search precision to high.
I generally have it set to CQ though that may not have much effect on
the speed at all compared VBR but just doing trial and error I ended
up on that and have been too lazy to try it another way. But the main
thing I do probably that has an effect on speed is set it to NORMAL.
Back when I first started testing TMPGEnc it would take me 6-8 hours
but then I saw some posts somewhere that said they couldnt tell the
difference between the Normal setting and high Q so I tried it and it
usually drops down quite a bit around 3 hours or less depending on the
length of the film of course. I havent noticed anything but Im sure an
expert may come up with reasons not to use NORMAL but just watching
the stuff I havent really noticed any obvious faults.
Im runiing my Barton 2500 at 3200 and I was using a 1700 before then.
I noticed a difference and any difference you can clearly tell is a
big one but if you really come down to it , big differences are
measured in fairly small increments. Its not like you move up to a
faster processor and it cuts anything down to 1/2 or 1/4 the time
usually its like 3-5% or 10% faster or something.
I do want to get AMD 64 later on maybe Xmas or early next year and
expect a big difference - faster processors really are noticeable in
compressing/encoding stuff but probably the real time difference wont
be astonishingly dramatic. Try the NORMAL setting.