hi mimi.....why don't you keep on going and complete your movie. Then save
'project as' and name it....that will keep your project intact and
editable. Then 'save to computer' the completed movie you made, so that you
have it and won't be upset! Nobody want mimi upset! he he he I bought
the package that you can find at
www.pixelan.com it is very cool with
effects and transitions to keep you busy for a long long time. These
install into the MM program....but if you have it open when you install the
spicepaks you will, of course, have to restart MM.
After you see all the new effects and transitions, you can open up your
saved project and start working with your new toys to make a better movie
than the original. Then you can save it, show it with pride to others, and
later go back and 'delete' the first movie you made as a pale imitation of
the good one!! ha ha ha....good luck...