Video device is currently in use

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Smith
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John Smith

TRV80E working in netmeeting using USB on Windows XP Pro.

When I try to use it with MM2 it gives me an error "The video device is
currently in use..."
Then it prevents me from getting to the device dialog box. This is very

MS please fix this problem, this is a pretty poor bug and makes this
application useless.

There is also no way to diagnose or debug the problem. This is unacceptable.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has the TRV80E working in MM2
thank you
Been there done that....

I have uninstalled and re-installed Movie Maker using the info on your site.
Now it gets to the stage of asking what video format then I click go and
it crashes with "An unknown error has occurred" hahahahaha another very
pathetic MS error message.
Golly they must employ some sad programmers.

I tried to do the capture using AVI, but this also gave the same error.

Hi PapaJohn,

This person has been given guidance by others more qualified than me and
Mark or John, whichever name he is using today, seems unwilling to take well
intentioned remarks or to realize that there may be no solution for him
until such time as Sony create one. He seems to believe that the problem is
caused by Microsoft and Movie Maker. Any remark you make that Movie Maker is
itself OK results in comments along the lines of "Do you have shares in MS?"

Although his camera has I-Link he seems intent on using USB. It has been
pointed out to him by others that USB is way too slow for realistic video
capture, instead he quotes the low bandwidth program "Netmeeting" as proof
that it is capable.

He has not yet realized that this news group like the many thousands of
other news groups that are available is simple a place where "users" can
meet and chat under a general umbrella title, in this case XP and Movie
Maker. He has still further not realized that in order to get a company to
give specialized technical information he has too join the appropriate
Technical Support service and pay for that privilege.

Other less kind people might start to suspect that his more recent posts are
tending to by hysterical in nature and that he is no more than a "Troll"
(someone in Net Speak who's only purpose is to wind other users up)
John Kelly your post is out of order.

I will not respond to the garbage you have written, other than to say that
yes even with a iLink cable it does not work.

Movie Maker is pretty pathetic, with error messages that are the equivalent
of the blue screen of death (meaningless).

I have spent 8 hours today researching this matter and have found many many
many people with the same problems and no way to solve the problem other
than to do the old re-install of the OS. This is not satisfactory.

John Kelly, if you wish to reply please take it off line and out of the
public domain.


John Kelly said:
Hi PapaJohn,

This person has been given guidance by others more qualified than me and
Mark or John, whichever name he is using today, seems unwilling to take well
intentioned remarks or to realize that there may be no solution for him
until such time as Sony create one. He seems to believe that the problem is
caused by Microsoft and Movie Maker. Any remark you make that Movie Maker is
itself OK results in comments along the lines of "Do you have shares in MS?"

Although his camera has I-Link he seems intent on using USB. It has been
pointed out to him by others that USB is way too slow for realistic video
capture, instead he quotes the low bandwidth program "Netmeeting" as proof
that it is capable.

He has not yet realized that this news group like the many thousands of
other news groups that are available is simple a place where "users" can
meet and chat under a general umbrella title, in this case XP and Movie
Maker. He has still further not realized that in order to get a company to
give specialized technical information he has too join the appropriate
Technical Support service and pay for that privilege.

Other less kind people might start to suspect that his more recent posts are
tending to by hysterical in nature and that he is no more than a "Troll"
(someone in Net Speak who's only purpose is to wind other users up)
Hi there John or is it Mark?

My post is not out of order, there are several who have listened to your
ranting and raving and they have had enough of it. If you want serious
technical support for your problem then go pay for it the same way that
anyone else has to.

For someone who makes the remark, "Movie Maker is pretty pathetic, with
error messages that are the equivalent of the blue screen of death
(meaningless)." you seem to donate an inordinate amount of time trying to
use it. Wasn't there any capture software with your camera?

I don't care how much time you have spent researching it today or any other
day, your whole attitude in this newsgroup is deplorable and quite simply
not wanted.

I am greatly amused by your comments to someone else in this newsgroup today
on the subject that you have now acquired a firewire cable...I wonder how
many days have now expired since you were first told that USB was of no use
and that you had to use an I-Link???

Other people in this newsgroup with the identical problem to yours are being
helped out as best we amateurs can do, they appreciate the help and we are
pleased to offer whatever advise we can give, you on the other hand are
demonstratively, arrogant, stupid with your remarks and clearly posses
little knowledge about the camera you are using, and yet, you freely blame
any one and anything for your own failures.

I will repeat once more for your benefit as you clearly have a problem
moaning, groaning, complaining, ill-advised remarks and hurry off to the
shop where you purchased the camera and complain to them instead or to Sony,
you know, the people who make your camera.
John Kelly you are a real jerk.
You should take a break from this list.

John Kelly said:
Hi there John or is it Mark?

My post is not out of order, there are several who have listened to your
ranting and raving and they have had enough of it. If you want serious
technical support for your problem then go pay for it the same way that
anyone else has to.

For someone who makes the remark, "Movie Maker is pretty pathetic, with
error messages that are the equivalent of the blue screen of death
(meaningless)." you seem to donate an inordinate amount of time trying to
use it. Wasn't there any capture software with your camera?

I don't care how much time you have spent researching it today or any other
day, your whole attitude in this newsgroup is deplorable and quite simply
not wanted.

I am greatly amused by your comments to someone else in this newsgroup today
on the subject that you have now acquired a firewire cable...I wonder how
many days have now expired since you were first told that USB was of no use
and that you had to use an I-Link???

Other people in this newsgroup with the identical problem to yours are being
helped out as best we amateurs can do, they appreciate the help and we are
pleased to offer whatever advise we can give, you on the other hand are
demonstratively, arrogant, stupid with your remarks and clearly posses
little knowledge about the camera you are using, and yet, you freely blame
any one and anything for your own failures.

I will repeat once more for your benefit as you clearly have a problem
moaning, groaning, complaining, ill-advised remarks and hurry off to the
shop where you purchased the camera and complain to them instead or to Sony,
you know, the people who make your camera.
Hi There,

John Kelly you are a real jerk.
You should take a break from this list.

and that's from a person who also wrote...

"An unknown error has occurred" hahahahha don;t you just love this product?"

But he did not write it just once..he wrote it again and again and
and then he said.
"I agree the Sony is really a poor piece of work. The TRV80E is nothing but
trouble. Any device that does not include a simple go/no-go test tool is not
worth buying today."
But no one said it was a poor piece of work, except him, so what is he
complaining about, and what's this GO/NO GO, does he work at NASA I wonder?.
Then he said......
"Why is the USB not working? I have checked everything and it appears ok."
and someone else replied......
"Hi John-Mark Smith.
Moviemaker - USB ???
You are trying to capture movies with USB?
You know, DV will transfer about 3.61MB/s ? And there is afaik no camcorder
yet supporting USB 2.0 High-Speed?
=> So, USB 2.0 Full-Speed has only a bandwith of 12 Mbit/s (1.5MB/s) which
is simply to slow => For capturing movies you need IEEE-1394 (aka firewire,
aka i.Link) which has 400Mbit/s (50MB/s) and enough diskspace (about 13GB/h
and still, he says he bought the cable...but what about the card it plugs
into??? Well....he said
"An unknown error has occurred" hahahahha don;t you just love this product?"
For Heavens sake man...READ THE MANUAL!!! But I have to say, that since
pointing out his errors/attitude he has become a lot less hysterical. Ok,
that's enough I suppose, lets not give him too much of a complex, after all,
his past hysterical remarks are not representative of that great continent
Bye Bye Mr Smith..........
again, I say, you are a jerk.
your rantings indicate that you need to get off the list and let people
discuss their problems and try to solve them.

John Kelly said:
Hi There,

and that's from a person who also wrote...

"An unknown error has occurred" hahahahha don;t you just love this product?"

But he did not write it just once..he wrote it again and again and
and then he said.
"I agree the Sony is really a poor piece of work. The TRV80E is nothing but
trouble. Any device that does not include a simple go/no-go test tool is not
worth buying today."
But no one said it was a poor piece of work, except him, so what is he
complaining about, and what's this GO/NO GO, does he work at NASA I wonder?.
Then he said......
"Why is the USB not working? I have checked everything and it appears ok."
and someone else replied......
"Hi John-Mark Smith.
Moviemaker - USB ???
You are trying to capture movies with USB?
You know, DV will transfer about 3.61MB/s ? And there is afaik no camcorder
yet supporting USB 2.0 High-Speed?
=> So, USB 2.0 Full-Speed has only a bandwith of 12 Mbit/s (1.5MB/s) which
is simply to slow => For capturing movies you need IEEE-1394 (aka firewire,
aka i.Link) which has 400Mbit/s (50MB/s) and enough diskspace (about 13GB/h
and still, he says he bought the cable...but what about the card it plugs
into??? Well....he said
"An unknown error has occurred" hahahahha don;t you just love this product?"
For Heavens sake man...READ THE MANUAL!!! But I have to say, that since
pointing out his errors/attitude he has become a lot less hysterical. Ok,
that's enough I suppose, lets not give him too much of a complex, after all,
his past hysterical remarks are not representative of that great continent
Bye Bye Mr Smith..........