Video Conferencing Newbie Help Needed

Dec 12, 2007
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I am interested in learning more (well, maybe not more ; more assumes I know something to begin with) about video conferencing and need some pointers to information. I want to be able to have a video conference, video phone call really, with multiple participants at one time. Without knowing anything, what I envision is sitting in front of my PC with several video windows open, one for each particiapant and all of us freely communicating. Is this possible? Do you need to have a pay conferencing service or do you just need to install conferencing software on each participating PC? Does Microsoft livemeeting do this?

Like I said, I'm starting from zero.


the one thing that i used to use a lot with all my friends after i moved was "IVISIT". it was pretty useful. it was free when i first started using it but i believe they charge for it now....i like it a lot, but thats just my personal opintion. It also has a really easy user interface.

There are other programs out there that do the same thing. you might just need to surf around for a little bit Im pretty sure most of the people here no about it more then i do so they should help ya out.
Skype . Its free ,its easy to use , it gives very cheap worldwide calls , it has good compatibility with external components . What more can you ask for .
