Daniel Conroy
I recently got Star wars Knights of the old republic, and it is not running
smoothly even at 800x600 with 2x AA on my AMD athlon 2100+, GeForce 4
4600Ti, 512Mb DDR2100.
I want to upgrade to get this game working more acceptably, and be able to
use 4x or 8x AA, and have looked into the prices/my options. I can get a
Radeon 9800 pro (128Mb), or a Nvidia Geforce FX 5900XT for about £150.
In the past, when 3dfx and PowerVR cards were around, it used to be, that if
your PC wasn't powerful enough to start with, then the 3d card wouldn't make
much of a difference. Is this still the case?
Is buying one of these cards (radeon or geforceFX) going to make my game run
much smoother, over my current Geforce4, or am I going to have to upgrade
other components too? I have found I could get a P4E 3GHz, motherboard, RAM
and one of the above cards for around £450, but I don't really want to spend
all that just for this one game.
Does it matter that my motherboard only supports up to 4x AGP
I recently got Star wars Knights of the old republic, and it is not running
smoothly even at 800x600 with 2x AA on my AMD athlon 2100+, GeForce 4
4600Ti, 512Mb DDR2100.
I want to upgrade to get this game working more acceptably, and be able to
use 4x or 8x AA, and have looked into the prices/my options. I can get a
Radeon 9800 pro (128Mb), or a Nvidia Geforce FX 5900XT for about £150.
In the past, when 3dfx and PowerVR cards were around, it used to be, that if
your PC wasn't powerful enough to start with, then the 3d card wouldn't make
much of a difference. Is this still the case?
Is buying one of these cards (radeon or geforceFX) going to make my game run
much smoother, over my current Geforce4, or am I going to have to upgrade
other components too? I have found I could get a P4E 3GHz, motherboard, RAM
and one of the above cards for around £450, but I don't really want to spend
all that just for this one game.
Does it matter that my motherboard only supports up to 4x AGP