Looking at a new machine with Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2 Motherboard - Win 7 /
Available options are
9400 GT 1 G
4650 1 G
4850 512 or 1 G.
I'm not a gamer , unless you count Solitaire ! <G> . More likely to do a
bit of video encoding from time to time.
I understand that the 4850 uses DDR 3 which gives a performance boost of
course but I don't know that I'd take advantage of it ? I'd rather put the
extra funds towards upgrading the power supply.
I guess my questions are
1 Will the 9400 do ? ( Obviously better than onboard video )
2. I see the 4650 used in quite a few mainstream ( HP / Acer ) machines.
Overall , is it a better buy than the 9400 ?
3. Would a 1 gig 4650 perform * better * than a 512 mg 4850 for my
I realise it's kind of splitting hairs and I don't mind getting the higher
end card IF I'm going to see some real benefits ? If not , I'll stick with
the 9400 or 1 G 4650...
Comments and suggestions appreciated.
At the moment , I don't' know who the manufacturers are , but I'm going to
find out.
Available options are
9400 GT 1 G
4650 1 G
4850 512 or 1 G.
I'm not a gamer , unless you count Solitaire ! <G> . More likely to do a
bit of video encoding from time to time.
I understand that the 4850 uses DDR 3 which gives a performance boost of
course but I don't know that I'd take advantage of it ? I'd rather put the
extra funds towards upgrading the power supply.
I guess my questions are
1 Will the 9400 do ? ( Obviously better than onboard video )
2. I see the 4650 used in quite a few mainstream ( HP / Acer ) machines.
Overall , is it a better buy than the 9400 ?
3. Would a 1 gig 4650 perform * better * than a 512 mg 4850 for my
I realise it's kind of splitting hairs and I don't mind getting the higher
end card IF I'm going to see some real benefits ? If not , I'll stick with
the 9400 or 1 G 4650...
Comments and suggestions appreciated.
At the moment , I don't' know who the manufacturers are , but I'm going to
find out.