I am not a gamer. I have a Radeon 9200 Video card that I think cost about 75
dollars and I have never felt like my computer was lacking in graphics
abilities at all.
While looking threw the latest offering on Newegg I noticed many
graphics cards that are $500. This just flips me out. Are there really games
that you need a $500 Video card to play and if there are who plays these
games aside from Bill Gates kids. I make pretty good money but if my kid
said he wanted a $500 Video card for Christmas I would laugh in his face.
It seems like a lot but there are certain things that dont make it as
bad if sounds. First is the astonishing drop in other hardware.
In the old days ---- in fact up to the late 90s when rebate sales and
the net hadnt taken off like it did , hardware was far more
expensive. A stick of mem, hard disks , cases etc --- you were lucky
to get 10-20% off. Thats when mom and pop stores flourished in S calif
and the computer fair was a big deal.
Now you you can get a hard disk rebated at $19-29 , a case for 19-50
and a stick of mem for 30 bucks. A few years ago in fact they had free
sticks of 2100 DDR all the time after rebate. In fact recently even
the motherboards have softened. They used to be 200 and soften slowly
down to the 150-130 range. Now within 6 months they nosedive. Theres a
lot of sub 100 nfroce4 boards - which makes me a bit leery about the
quality recently with reports of problems. Anyway given the huge
savings in the other areas suddenly you have a lot more left over to
play with when purchasing a graphics card. Thats a HUGE factor.
And look at the LCD screens as well as CRTs. In the mid 90s I was
overjoyed to buy with some other friends at a Computer Fair in LA, a
NEC 17" CRT for $600. When I moved to where Im at now I was jazzed to
get a SONY 17" replacement for 700 bucks. Right now I have a 26" LCD
widescreen HDTV TV monitor which Im kind of pissed off about because
Circuit City didnt give me a discount down to $300-400. Im trying to
get them to issue me another discount.
The other is , very few buy them at that price. Im astonished but the
7800s just came out a little while ago and already there are deals on
the 7800GT down to $275 with small rebates intermittently. Maybe a few
people with money to burn buy it at those 500 buck prices most people
wait for a sale. And actually right now you can get a no compromise
powerful mainstream graphics card starting from 100 bucks or so. The
6600GT was on sale recently for $99 with rebate. Theres a ton of cards
in the 100-300 range now that are great for games.
Given those two factors it actually doesnt seem that bad. I used to
say I would never ever spend more than 200 on a graphics card . I
would spend up to 275 now because things are so cheap.
Another minor factor is things have been fairly stable in hardware.
Usually you had to throw everything away. They tried to do this, there
was BTX and DDR2 in the INTEL arena and to a lesser extent in the
However BTX seems to have met a lot resistance so we can still use the
old cases we got eons ago and many bought 3200 DDR in the AMD camp
which they can carry over to a new nforce4 system. That really reduces
costs. Unfortunately the next M2 AMD is said to use DDR2.
In fact up intil the late 90s and early 2000s if you didnt pay
2000-3000 on a system you didnt get a decent system. And you could
have spent even more. Now if you spend more than 1200, its got to be
some kind of incredible system and even at 1200 its an asskicking
game machine. Another benchmark are laptop prices. I rememeber looking
at them in the early 2000s -- IBM, Toshiba and Texas Instruments
3000-5000 for a good one. Now you see laptops on sale all the time at
499 or even lower recently during BF. You can get a decked out one for
Also keep in mind a new Xbox is 499 and they were pushing bundles that
had much higher prices.
So even kids can get them. I know a family - single mother etc who
showed me a bill for her PC she got in the early 2000s $2000. I put
one together for her for $250. If they added a 6600GT they would
actually have a usable game machine.
Even with all that ---- its not so much the price as the knowledge
many "kids" dont know about graphics cards etc m they end up getting
the Xbox or PS2. The ones who seem to be buying all the expensive
game cards and even the new xbox seem to be from young teens to ,
older teens and adults. Teens have tons of disposable income now as
articles have mentioned. In the US and elsewhere theres a huge class
of not mega rich but upper middle class and lower rung rich families
who really spoil their kids. Theyve shown faimilies where kids
besides having their own PC, TV, stereo --- had BMWs and their own
stock portfolios at the age of 17-18.
My neighbor who is an immigrant who works in restaurant and runs a
small side janitorial business - spent $3000 on a PC for this son with
6800 GT selling at $300 last year. He wasnts an Xbox now.
Theres also articles now about how box office spending is on the
decline. A lot of male teens seem to be staying at home getting into
Home Theatersystems, with HDTVs finally nosediving and LCD TVs
--- and that means spending on games , DVDs etc,