I've scrounged up enough parts to put together a Windows MCE 2005 machine,
but it won't play DVD's or TV because my GeForce 2GTS is too old to be
Can anyone suggest a cheap AGP video card that would be suitable for use
with MCE? Other than the PVR functions of MCE, I'd be playing game console
emulators (MAME, etc.). The most demanding PC game I'd probably toss at it
would be Quake III.
I'm considering the following (cheapest up, prices are CDN)
- Radeon 7000 64meg - $42
- Radeon 9250 128meg - $59
- FX 5200 128meg - $68
- Radeon 9550 128meg No VIVO - $78
- Radeon 9550 256meg WITH VIVO - $114
- Radeon 9600 Pro, 128meg, DVI, TV out - $131
Most likely go with the Non-VIVO 9550 for $78
FWIW, MCE 2005 is pretty sweet from what I've seen of it. Of course $200 for
a dual tuner TV card was a bit much but I'm sure it's worth it. The
Microsoft remote and IR transmitters are pretty cool as well.
but it won't play DVD's or TV because my GeForce 2GTS is too old to be
Can anyone suggest a cheap AGP video card that would be suitable for use
with MCE? Other than the PVR functions of MCE, I'd be playing game console
emulators (MAME, etc.). The most demanding PC game I'd probably toss at it
would be Quake III.
I'm considering the following (cheapest up, prices are CDN)
- Radeon 7000 64meg - $42
- Radeon 9250 128meg - $59
- FX 5200 128meg - $68
- Radeon 9550 128meg No VIVO - $78
- Radeon 9550 256meg WITH VIVO - $114
- Radeon 9600 Pro, 128meg, DVI, TV out - $131
Most likely go with the Non-VIVO 9550 for $78
FWIW, MCE 2005 is pretty sweet from what I've seen of it. Of course $200 for
a dual tuner TV card was a bit much but I'm sure it's worth it. The
Microsoft remote and IR transmitters are pretty cool as well.