The other day I decided that my PC needed a better video card.
It's been running of the 32mb onboard graphics for ages.
However, before I ran out and bought one, I decided to look through
some old computer parts.
I found this
card, which I'd been given a while ago by a friend. Firstly, I'm not
too sure whether this is just a 4mb graphics card, or if that's just
the built in size. It also says 64-bit graphics on the main chip, and I
was wondering whether this means I need a 64-bit machine, or if it's
64mb graphics (or whatever)...
I never actually used it in my old system, and when trying to install
it in this one, windows didn't start up correctly.
My PC booted fine, but then when trying to open the logon screen it
just stayed black and (I think) stopped responding, as the keyboard
wasn't working either. (eg, num lock light, etc)
Is this due to a bios setting, the card, or my PCI slots?
I have had similar issues with my PCI slots before (when trying to
install firewire my PC responded in a very similar way) so in the end,
I just got rid of that card and have been using a special USB cable
ever since. However, the card I threw away was faulty (recieved a shock
or something and got fried)
Basically, I just want to know what this card is capable of and also if
my PCI slots are broken/how to fix them. I'm not too hesitant about
throwing the card away, I got it for free, it'd just give me time to
save up a bit more and buy a few other things if I can use this card.
Thanks =)
The other day I decided that my PC needed a better video card.
It's been running of the 32mb onboard graphics for ages.
However, before I ran out and bought one, I decided to look through
some old computer parts.
I found this
card, which I'd been given a while ago by a friend. Firstly, I'm not
too sure whether this is just a 4mb graphics card, or if that's just
the built in size. It also says 64-bit graphics on the main chip, and I
was wondering whether this means I need a 64-bit machine, or if it's
64mb graphics (or whatever)...
I never actually used it in my old system, and when trying to install
it in this one, windows didn't start up correctly.
My PC booted fine, but then when trying to open the logon screen it
just stayed black and (I think) stopped responding, as the keyboard
wasn't working either. (eg, num lock light, etc)
Is this due to a bios setting, the card, or my PCI slots?
I have had similar issues with my PCI slots before (when trying to
install firewire my PC responded in a very similar way) so in the end,
I just got rid of that card and have been using a special USB cable
ever since. However, the card I threw away was faulty (recieved a shock
or something and got fried)
Basically, I just want to know what this card is capable of and also if
my PCI slots are broken/how to fix them. I'm not too hesitant about
throwing the card away, I got it for free, it'd just give me time to
save up a bit more and buy a few other things if I can use this card.
Thanks =)