thanks, 9600 is a good choice but it's off my budget for my old old
I think FX5200 is a fair lowbudget choice right now. Most seem to
agree it's better than ATI 9200. It's the more expensive 'ultra' and
the new 275/400MHz version getting the good reviews though. I don't
really know anything more about this than you do. (I've read the

). But for enjoying DX8.1 games, which would seem reasonable
to expect from a 1GHz system, my take is that a GF4 Ti would do
You might be able to pick up some GF4 Ti 4??0 real cheap now too. They
don't support DX9 pixel&vertex shaders, but in all other respects
these cards (GF4 Ti) rocks bigtime. Crisp, stable, monsterfast.
This family was a big technical success. I have three of these
darlings in different computers. A new Ti4200 should be avalaible as
low as $85.
(My estimate is that ATI's 9600/9600pro/9600XT will be the true market
heir to the GF4 Ti family, but nVidia have a FX5600 replacement (akin
5800/5900) around the corner. FX5700?)
The MX cards are cheap and lightningfast 2D cards. But with only basic
3D competence. I think even a 1GHz PC deserves better 3D for games.
Don't consider GF4 'MX'. Performance is not different from your G450,
apart from memory.
The performance gap to the 'Ti' cards is huge, when lightsources,
reflections and shadows are involved! Dont let the 'GF4' label fool
you. Only real GF4 cards are the 'Ti'. The 'MX' seem to belong to GF2
family chipsets. They don't have any transformation engines, and they
don't support pixelshaders (not even DX8), so there's some nice
effects you won't ever see as well.