I am having a problem with video and audio being out of sync after approx.
30 minutes of capture. My system is a self built Athlon 3000+, 512 MB 400
Mhz Crucial Memory, Radeon AIW, SB Live! 5.1 Platinum, WD 120 GB HD c 8 MB
cache, DFI Lanparty nForce Ultra II MB.It happens whatever program I use for
capture ( EZ Creator 6, ATI MMC TV app, Ulead.
30 minutes of capture. My system is a self built Athlon 3000+, 512 MB 400
Mhz Crucial Memory, Radeon AIW, SB Live! 5.1 Platinum, WD 120 GB HD c 8 MB
cache, DFI Lanparty nForce Ultra II MB.It happens whatever program I use for
capture ( EZ Creator 6, ATI MMC TV app, Ulead.