video capture setups question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sara
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howdy good people... some capture advice for a newbie would be vastly
appreciated :)

i.e. on a budget i've just completed building a dedicated video
editing machine in anticipation of editing some 8mm footage via
ulead's studio7... and i need to know now what kind of analogue video
capture-card you (experienced) guys might possibly recommend
i could get-away with for around £100 or less...

for example: i realise that hardware capture cards (the most
expensive) are probably best for capturing 8mm video,
but i'm rather hoping that some of the (cheaper) software
solutions may also suffice?

e.g. does anyone know for example if any of the TV capture cards are
any good (or usable) or my purposes, and if so which ones can be

also... do i need a 'separate' graphics card to be on my system as
well as a capture card? (currently using a Gforce 400 MX 64meg)

computer system comprises:
windows 98se
asus a7v8x mobo
AMD 2500+ (barton) running at just under 2.2 gig (actual speed)
single stick 512meg branded DDR3200 (DDR400)
Gforce 400 MX 64meg graphics card
80gig maxtor-9 (7200 rpm)
Ulead studio 7 + a bunch of other (appropriate) software

many smiles + thanks in advance...
from Sara
Sara said:
howdy good people... some capture advice for a newbie would be vastly
appreciated :)

i.e. on a budget i've just completed building a dedicated video
editing machine in anticipation of editing some 8mm footage via
ulead's studio7... and i need to know now what kind of analogue video
capture-card you (experienced) guys might possibly recommend
i could get-away with for around £100 or less...

for example: i realise that hardware capture cards (the most
expensive) are probably best for capturing 8mm video,
but i'm rather hoping that some of the (cheaper) software
solutions may also suffice?

e.g. does anyone know for example if any of the TV capture cards are
any good (or usable) or my purposes, and if so which ones can be

also... do i need a 'separate' graphics card to be on my system as
well as a capture card? (currently using a Gforce 400 MX 64meg)

computer system comprises:
windows 98se
asus a7v8x mobo
AMD 2500+ (barton) running at just under 2.2 gig (actual speed)
single stick 512meg branded DDR3200 (DDR400)
Gforce 400 MX 64meg graphics card
80gig maxtor-9 (7200 rpm)
Ulead studio 7 + a bunch of other (appropriate) software

many smiles + thanks in advance...
from Sara

Upgrade your graphic card to a vivo (video in- video out) card and get more
for your money. Asus make a 9600xt with vivo, which I have, and I changed to
Ulead studio 7 to get jerk free captures at DVD standard mpeg2.
John Russell said:
Upgrade your graphic card to a vivo (video in- video out) card and get more
for your money. Asus make a 9600xt with vivo, which I have, and I changed to
Ulead studio 7 to get jerk free captures at DVD standard mpeg2.

I agree upgrading to a video card that supports vivo is the best way to go.
I use an MSI Geforce Ti4200 VIVO card and it works great. Besides the
9600XT suggested, here are several good deals at Newegg:

- Dave
Your current video card may be adequate for your needs. If you have a
free PCI slot and don't want to buy a new graphics card, there are
plenty of options. I like the Prolink X-Capture, which uses the
Conexant 881 chipset. It captures at up to 720x480 without a hitch,
but it doesn't have a tuner. If you just want to capture through a
composite (RCA) or S-Video jack, then you can get one of these cards
in the states for under $50. In the UK, you can find a card with the
same chipset by MSI called the TV@nywhere (which has a tuner and radio
reception, too) for £33.99 at Simply Computers ( You
can find reviews on the TV @nywhere cards all over the net.

having just started the fight to get video capyutr working on my new
Asus9800XT with vivo, do yoyrself a favor and get a TV-PVR USB 2.0 tv
tuner/capture device!
It's $90.00 at Tiger Direct, and works flawlessly. I may end up going back
to it!
