Hi, i'm a bit new to this forum but i have this ridiculous problem with my video card over heating, its a raiden x800XL. i pretty sure its the video card because i have thermometer( or close enough) in my heatsync, and it goes around 90-100 degrees(100,101 when i'm playing a game), which i don't think is that bad.
its just annoying when ur playing World of warcraft or some high graphics game and after like and hour and a half of playing ur screen suddenly starts to lag and the FPs go way down from around 40-60 to 17-23, not to mention this computer restarts every now and then, randomly.
yes, i have used dust off to clean the dust. i have 3 exterior fans, one in the back side, 1 on the side and one on the top; 2 exhaling and 1 inhaling, not to mention the fan on the processor and video card.
so i am now clueless of wut to do more, i know if keep getting more fans the computer will just get louder and louder, i heard of a PCI fan which u can get for the video card(underneath it) not sure about that though.
Any help is most appeciate it, thanks u so much
its just annoying when ur playing World of warcraft or some high graphics game and after like and hour and a half of playing ur screen suddenly starts to lag and the FPs go way down from around 40-60 to 17-23, not to mention this computer restarts every now and then, randomly.
yes, i have used dust off to clean the dust. i have 3 exterior fans, one in the back side, 1 on the side and one on the top; 2 exhaling and 1 inhaling, not to mention the fan on the processor and video card.
so i am now clueless of wut to do more, i know if keep getting more fans the computer will just get louder and louder, i heard of a PCI fan which u can get for the video card(underneath it) not sure about that though.
Any help is most appeciate it, thanks u so much