Vid card Over Heating, Please Help.

Jun 2, 2006
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Hi, i'm a bit new to this forum but i have this ridiculous problem with my video card over heating, its a raiden x800XL. i pretty sure its the video card because i have thermometer( or close enough) in my heatsync, and it goes around 90-100 degrees(100,101 when i'm playing a game), which i don't think is that bad.

its just annoying when ur playing World of warcraft or some high graphics game and after like and hour and a half of playing ur screen suddenly starts to lag and the FPs go way down from around 40-60 to 17-23, not to mention this computer restarts every now and then, randomly.

yes, i have used dust off to clean the dust. i have 3 exterior fans, one in the back side, 1 on the side and one on the top; 2 exhaling and 1 inhaling, not to mention the fan on the processor and video card.

so i am now clueless of wut to do more, i know if keep getting more fans the computer will just get louder and louder, i heard of a PCI fan which u can get for the video card(underneath it) not sure about that though.

Any help is most appeciate it, thanks u so much
Have your case fans so that the one at the front of the case is sucking in air, the one in the side sucking in air and the one at the back blowing air out.

Then buy a new graphics card cooler, one of the best and easiest to use is one from the artic cooling range. Check it out here (4th one down). Install that with some artic silver 5 thermal grease/compound and it should help dramatically.
100 degrees fahrenheit = 37.78 celsius

err, that ain't hot ... mine is on 115F while I twiddle my thumbs.

If the PC re-starts at random I would be asking what PSU you got ... actually it would help if you told us the rest of the spec of the PC.

WoW is an 'on-line' game, what bit are you running on your PC ... play it when everybody in your town is asleep. ;)
i'm running a 2.8gig intel,180 gig hardrive, 1gig of ram, vid x800xl

as oppose to the fans i don't have one in the front, i have one on top, back and left side, on top of my desk not on the floor, just an FYI
Reefsmoka said:
Have your case fans so that the one at the front of the case is sucking in air, the one in the side sucking in air and the one at the back blowing air out.

Then buy a new graphics card cooler, one of the best and easiest to use is one from the artic cooling range. Check it out here (4th one down). Install that with some artic silver 5 thermal grease/compound and it should help dramatically.

umm i live in the US do u know how long the shippping will be?
how do i place it? underneath? sorry a lil confused
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Dukes22 said:
umm i live in the US do u know how long the shippping will be?
how do i place it? underneath? sorry a lil confused

Look for a shop in the US that sells them.