Hello, All!
Who is this Victor Sazhin, Free Downloadcentre?
In his newsletter it showed:
RVS-COM for ADSL Freeware $0.00
The RVS-COM for ADSL is a tool which allows you to utilize your
Internet bandwidth to the fullest.
So I downloaded and installed it. It looked like quite a thorough
installation. It said it was installing a new driver and I had to restart.
These things make me a little jumpy. After restart it continued and said it
was a 30 days evaluation version. So much for "freeware". Thanks Victor...
With best regards, EDJO. E-mail: ED@JO
Who is this Victor Sazhin, Free Downloadcentre?
In his newsletter it showed:
RVS-COM for ADSL Freeware $0.00
The RVS-COM for ADSL is a tool which allows you to utilize your
Internet bandwidth to the fullest.
So I downloaded and installed it. It looked like quite a thorough
installation. It said it was installing a new driver and I had to restart.
These things make me a little jumpy. After restart it continued and said it
was a 30 days evaluation version. So much for "freeware". Thanks Victor...
With best regards, EDJO. E-mail: ED@JO