I'd really like to convert around 20 home-videos onto DVD. However, despite
spending hours trying to find info about this on the net, I'm still really
I am looking for a new PC anyway so would like to take the opportunity to get
the correct hardware for the task. I already have Adobe Premiere on my dad's
computer and could use that on the new one (if that is the best program to
What graphics card should I use? I am considering buying the ATI All In Wonder
because it apparently has VIVO.
My dad bought a cheap grabber card (£30 from ebuyer) a few months ago for the
job. We also purchased Pinnacle 8. Nonetheless, despite being really easy to
use, Pinnacle crashed frequently and the audio and video were always out of
sync. I believe that this is a common problem with Pinnacle - and ruins what
could be a great piece of software.
I have tried to download the video using the grabber card's own software. This
solved the A/V sync problems but the quality wasn't great, file-sizes were
huge, and I still didn't have my home-videos on DVD.
This morning, I imported the .avi videos made with the grabber card software
into Adobe Premiere. This seems to work ok although the quality is still bad. I
also missed the great scene detect feature found in Pinnacle (although I'm sure
that Premiere must have it somewhere??). I'm going to try to learn how to use
Premiere over the next couple of days!!
In conclusion, how should I transfer the video from the VCR to the PC.
The VCR has scart outlets - can I connect these to the s-video port on the PC??
Is this the best option? My mum really wants the videos transferred (going to
make it her Chirstmas present I think) so I can get some financial backing from
my dad. Is a new VCR with more outlets required??
Which graphics card should I use? I'm going to get a new PC anyway so don't
need to consider any existing components.
What software is required? Adobe Premiere seems to be a complete solution but I
haven't properly looked at it yet. I noticed that the 'capture' window was only
interested in my fire-wire DV source - does that mean that it cannot capture
from an analogue source?? If this is correct, and I have to import the videos
manually using a 3rd party program, can I still use the 'scene detect' mode??
Copying videos from VHS to DVD sounds really easy but I'm having a lot of
difficulties with it. I would be very grateful for any advice!!
Thanks in advance
spending hours trying to find info about this on the net, I'm still really
I am looking for a new PC anyway so would like to take the opportunity to get
the correct hardware for the task. I already have Adobe Premiere on my dad's
computer and could use that on the new one (if that is the best program to
What graphics card should I use? I am considering buying the ATI All In Wonder
because it apparently has VIVO.
My dad bought a cheap grabber card (£30 from ebuyer) a few months ago for the
job. We also purchased Pinnacle 8. Nonetheless, despite being really easy to
use, Pinnacle crashed frequently and the audio and video were always out of
sync. I believe that this is a common problem with Pinnacle - and ruins what
could be a great piece of software.
I have tried to download the video using the grabber card's own software. This
solved the A/V sync problems but the quality wasn't great, file-sizes were
huge, and I still didn't have my home-videos on DVD.
This morning, I imported the .avi videos made with the grabber card software
into Adobe Premiere. This seems to work ok although the quality is still bad. I
also missed the great scene detect feature found in Pinnacle (although I'm sure
that Premiere must have it somewhere??). I'm going to try to learn how to use
Premiere over the next couple of days!!
In conclusion, how should I transfer the video from the VCR to the PC.
The VCR has scart outlets - can I connect these to the s-video port on the PC??
Is this the best option? My mum really wants the videos transferred (going to
make it her Chirstmas present I think) so I can get some financial backing from
my dad. Is a new VCR with more outlets required??
Which graphics card should I use? I'm going to get a new PC anyway so don't
need to consider any existing components.
What software is required? Adobe Premiere seems to be a complete solution but I
haven't properly looked at it yet. I noticed that the 'capture' window was only
interested in my fire-wire DV source - does that mean that it cannot capture
from an analogue source?? If this is correct, and I have to import the videos
manually using a 3rd party program, can I still use the 'scene detect' mode??
Copying videos from VHS to DVD sounds really easy but I'm having a lot of
difficulties with it. I would be very grateful for any advice!!
Thanks in advance