right for the past week ive been transfering old family videos from vhs and video 8 tapes, onto my computer, ive been using Nero 7 capturing program nice and simple nothin to fancy, i finally decided to record the video footage in a dvd format template option instead of svcd, nero digital, avi and mpeg-2,, as i found that some of the other "templates" were creating larger files sizes than i liked. i record the the footage and was fairly pleased with the quality(im not expecting it to be dvd quality even tho im recording it in "DVD") anyway once ive recorded it ive looked at the files and they r saved as mpeg files, is that right ?
i decided to put one video file onto a dvd so i did all the useal nero stuff, ie encoded it. once it was converted i viewed the results and it looked the same as the orginal footage, but when i put it into my dvd player the picture is all shakey, and more pixalated, im guessing the pixaling is down to my wide screen tv, tho i have changed the picutre size to a 4:3 size and that didnt do anything.
i have loads more footage to put onto dvd but dont wont to do it yet untill, i have some sort of reason to the problem.
let me no what u think, if u need more info just ask, ill be online most of the night
many thanks inadvances
i decided to put one video file onto a dvd so i did all the useal nero stuff, ie encoded it. once it was converted i viewed the results and it looked the same as the orginal footage, but when i put it into my dvd player the picture is all shakey, and more pixalated, im guessing the pixaling is down to my wide screen tv, tho i have changed the picutre size to a 4:3 size and that didnt do anything.
i have loads more footage to put onto dvd but dont wont to do it yet untill, i have some sort of reason to the problem.
let me no what u think, if u need more info just ask, ill be online most of the night
many thanks inadvances