Windows XP Vhdl

Feb 14, 2003
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I'm interested to know.....
Does anyone know the language 'VHDL'?
Does anyone know where people buy and sell source code online?

I'd never even heard of it until I did a search for it, this address may be helpful!
A lot of people havn't heard of VHDL, because it's used to design hardward- microproccessors, micro systems and stuff. I had to do it on my course, and it is REALLY HARD I thought C++ was hard until I started VHDL!! :bow:

One lecturer said that code librarys and modules are sold to companies for thousands on the internet, ie JPEG compression processors code algorithms for £20,000. Until I see that on a site
I won't belive it!

I took the VHDL course too as part of my curriculum doing Masters and I found it to be easier than Verilog(another HDL) used to describe Hardware.

Moreovers VHDL is interesting and also easy to code compared to C++ or other such languages.

I think its a matter of personal opinion as to who feels what is easier...

Cheers !
VHDL is often hard for software engineers to understand and learn. The whole concept of signals and variables as well as concurrency is all a bit strange to softies. Hardware engineers find it easier to grasp, but are not always the most talented at writing elegant, well commented code.

As for buying and selling code, it really depends on what it is and why you want to buy and sell it. Proper code that is used in real products costs thousands and is sold by a few compnanies. If it is for learning puropses, there are plenty of VHDL and more generic HDL forums and websites that will sort you out with bits of code for simple things for nothing.