I have been getting these messages that I do not have a legitimate version of
Vista when I know 100% I do. I have been using it for Seven months and have
not made any material hardware changes to my system (especially recently).
Suddenly I get these messages and of course there is no one at Microsoft to
call. I need my computer now. How can Microsoft produce such a shoddy
product (I am now getting notes on screen my software may not be valid).
Well, I bought it from buy.com or Amazon.com seven months ago and it
installed and validated without a problem and now I have issues and I have a
desperate need to use my computer now. I realize that Micorosft does not
apparently care about its customers or something like this would not happen
or there would be someone I could call 24/7. (P.S. I can not even run my
spell checker.) Maybe the EU is right...... Help.....
Vista when I know 100% I do. I have been using it for Seven months and have
not made any material hardware changes to my system (especially recently).
Suddenly I get these messages and of course there is no one at Microsoft to
call. I need my computer now. How can Microsoft produce such a shoddy
product (I am now getting notes on screen my software may not be valid).
Well, I bought it from buy.com or Amazon.com seven months ago and it
installed and validated without a problem and now I have issues and I have a
desperate need to use my computer now. I realize that Micorosft does not
apparently care about its customers or something like this would not happen
or there would be someone I could call 24/7. (P.S. I can not even run my
spell checker.) Maybe the EU is right...... Help.....