Very Strange Request!!

Mar 5, 2004
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Ok, this is a weird one, but i know some of you guys will be expert web surfers and may be able to help.

Im going back up to Edinburgh in a few weeks and my Neice is going into hospital for a big operation, and she loves bumble bees!! SO, im looking for a big (not TOO big you clowns! ;-)) cuddly bumble bee for her. Ive done a bit of searching and so has a couple of other people i know, but can't find anything.

Cheers peeps.

What was that site called ?????????

Something auction ??????????

Get it now ??????

Pay-Bay ?????

E-Pal ????

What was it called ??????

Ding dong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know .

It was ,

I'm sorry to hear about your niece needing an op Bodhi, but it's a lovely idea to get her a nice cheery bee. I too, have found a couple, the biggest of which is 39cm, here at Toysbymailorder (but not a very realistic colour.) A more "lifelike" one is here at Lifelikefriends but he is only 12cm, cute though. One other that had some nice stuff, but no bees, is Charismar however, they say that if you cannot find what you're looking for on their website, that you can e-mail them and they might be able to get it, so might be worth a try. Good luck, hope you find one. :)