Very slow startup Widows xp



Hello, my computer has a serious problem at startup. It takes about
half an hour for the computer to get to the logon screen. Nothing much
seems to be happening in between, no harddisk activity at all or so it
seems. But still it takes more than half an hour. when it has started
up, it all works fine, no error messages whatsoever. Been trying to
figure out why. I think i know "when" it started. AFter installing a
webcam and drivers and a sudden system shutdown. After that i
deinstalled all webcam software but that didnt seem to matter. Ever
since then the computer hangs for half an hour.
Been trying to analyse the bootlog with bootlog analyser but that is
only gibberish to me. Sure most entries state that it took them 2700
seconds to start but the log doesnt give me a clue where to begin.

im at my witts end, and about to format c: and reinstalling windows xp
alltogether. Yet another weekend down the drain so if anyone has any
suggestion? PLEASE be my guest!

btw tried msconfig options already, doesnt matter if i start up in safe
mode, same delay.

thanks alot

windows xp
p4, 512 mb, nvidia


Did you go into the Device Manager in Safe Mode to make sure that the Web
Cam is completely uninstalled?



Quasar said:
Hello, my computer has a serious problem at startup. It takes about
half an hour for the computer to get to the logon screen. Nothing much
seems to be happening in between, no harddisk activity at all or so it
seems. But still it takes more than half an hour. when it has started
up, it all works fine, no error messages whatsoever. Been trying to
figure out why. I think i know "when" it started. AFter installing a
webcam and drivers and a sudden system shutdown. After that i
deinstalled all webcam software but that didnt seem to matter. Ever
since then the computer hangs for half an hour.
Been trying to analyse the bootlog with bootlog analyser but that is
only gibberish to me. Sure most entries state that it took them 2700
seconds to start but the log doesnt give me a clue where to begin.

im at my witts end, and about to format c: and reinstalling windows xp
alltogether. Yet another weekend down the drain so if anyone has any
suggestion? PLEASE be my guest!

btw tried msconfig options already, doesnt matter if i start up in safe
mode, same delay.

thanks alot

windows xp
p4, 512 mb, nvidia

Try a system restore to before you installed the webcam.


Hello, my computer has a serious problem at startup. It takes about
half an hour for the computer to get to the logon screen. Nothin much
seems to be happening in between, no harddisk activity at all or s it
seems. But still it takes more than half an hour. when it ha started
up, it all works fine, no error messages whatsoever. Been trying t
figure out why. I think i know "when" it started. AFter installing
webcam and drivers and a sudden system shutdown. After that i
deinstalled all webcam software but that didnt seem to matter. Eve
since then the computer hangs for half an hour.
Been trying to analyse the bootlog with bootlog analyser but that i
only gibberish to me. Sure most entries state that it took them 270
seconds to start but the log doesnt give me a clue where to begin.

im at my witts end, and about to format c: and reinstalling window xp
alltogether. Yet another weekend down the drain so if anyone has an
suggestion? PLEASE be my guest!

btw tried msconfig options already, doesnt matter if i start up i safe
mode, same delay

thanks alot

windows x
p4, 512 mb, nvidi

You might check your system bios setting!!!!

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