Windows Vista Very Slow Progress


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Downloads have become painfully slow. :mad: Occasionally web pages will not download at all ! Frequently "items remaining" runs down to 1 and then stops.

A couple of weeks back Mucks checked the system and felt that there were no nasties on board. Antivirus, antimalware and antitrojan all appear to confirm.

The Speedtouch Router appears to be working well according to the properties tab and Windows Defender also reports that all is well.

The strange thing is that my ISP tells me I'm getting 2.9-3 Mg down the line (which I'd be happy with) but Broadband Speedtester tells me that I'm only getting about 40K !!?? Bring back the days of dial-up !:wall:

I've done the simple things like switching off and then back on again, incuding the Router but to no avail. I've loads of space on the Hard Drive and plenty of RAM (2 gig)

Does anybody have any idea how to sort this one out?
Could just be certain sites themselves, bad coding and such.
My team site sometimes crawls along.....especially the PM system for some odd reason.
Did you use the speed test here?:

If it comes back with a low speed there then something is a bit strange. Have you got another PC/Modem/Router you can use to test that it isn't your line?
I get less than 4mb with my 8mb line.......must try again when not running my internet dc project.
Ian Cunningham said:
Did you use the speed test here?:

Got to laugh, Ian. After about 3 minutes I have the web page BUT with 1 item remaining to be downloaded - and I'm sure it's the button to start the test.

Even this very reply is not all here !! :wall:
Ian Cunningham said:
Have you got another PC/Modem/Router you can use to test that it isn't your line?

I went back to my ancient PC which is also connected wirelessly through the same router. It works like a dream so I guess it must be the new rig :mad:

I'm sitting in the spare room now - I tried to put this reply through from my "new" PC but it simply wouldn't go. :wall:
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