Maybe someone have any ideas.
Usaly people got problems with joining NT domain but
thats not my case my XP clients join without problems.
the problemis what it takes extremly long time to log on
(~10 minits) and then to ~ the same time to browse
resources but after that everything works just fine. i
tought that could be for 1st time loggons but nope thats
how from XP it is always. with w9x and w2kpro clients
everything forks in couple of seconds. Alredy tried all
things that help if XP dont join domin, in case it maybe
would help, but nope no effect Any ideas?
P.s. domain is on WinNT Server sp6a + almoust all other
Maybe someone have any ideas.
Usaly people got problems with joining NT domain but
thats not my case my XP clients join without problems.
the problemis what it takes extremly long time to log on
(~10 minits) and then to ~ the same time to browse
resources but after that everything works just fine. i
tought that could be for 1st time loggons but nope thats
how from XP it is always. with w9x and w2kpro clients
everything forks in couple of seconds. Alredy tried all
things that help if XP dont join domin, in case it maybe
would help, but nope no effect Any ideas?
P.s. domain is on WinNT Server sp6a + almoust all other