I have a w2k pro. laptop. I tried connecting to my cable
modem, did ip renew. Received " not a socket" error.
Removed winsock and winsock2 from the registry-- rebooted--
uninstalled tcp/ip--rebooted--installed tcp/ip--troubles
ever since. I have booted to safe mode w/ and w/o
networking--takes long time to boot 15-20 minutes. Boot
normal takes forever.
modem, did ip renew. Received " not a socket" error.
Removed winsock and winsock2 from the registry-- rebooted--
uninstalled tcp/ip--rebooted--installed tcp/ip--troubles
ever since. I have booted to safe mode w/ and w/o
networking--takes long time to boot 15-20 minutes. Boot
normal takes forever.