! Very Slow ASP.NET Response !


Vito DeCarlo

I've been having this problem for a few weeks. PLEASE read this post before
responding with some simple reason that has nothing to do with my problem.
If you need more information, please request it as I'll be checking this
post very often.

Occaisionally, our web server begins running ASP.NET pages extremely slowly.
Other websites on the server run fine, including ASP pages. It almost seems
as if the .NET caching system ceases to operate. Pages take several seconds
(3-10) before being sent to the user. Even the simplest of pages with no
programming or database connections (but still have an empty code-behind
page) are extemely slow.

This is NOT a case of the server normally compiling the page so please do
not offer that as a problem. The server could very well be compiling the
page, but it is not the normal case of it being compiled the first time and
"it should run find after you compile them". Remeber, this is happening to
EVERY ASP.NET website on the server.

The server is just being used as a web server and nothing else. The Domain
Controller is on another machine, as well as our database server. There is
also no anti-virus program running on the machine as I have uninstalled it
due to someone's thought that it could have been causing problems.

I can temporarily correct the slowdown issue by restarting IIS. Once I
issue the 'iisreset' command, the server seems to run fine for a random
amount of time. Sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes a full day. By running
fine, I mean that pages are instantly offered to the client - the way they
have for the past year and a half that I've been running .NET on our server.

I seriously hope that someone can offer some questions or answers that may
allow to get to the bottom of this. I've also seen a few others who have
posted similar problems but they have not found fixes as of yet.

Vito DeCarlo


Is Anti-Virus installed on the server? I had an application that behaved
like that and according to the Application Event Viewer, it looked like the
ASPNet service was being restarted for each page request. A response on a MS
beta newsgrup was to exclude the .Net Framework directories in the
Windows\System (or System 32 can't remember which )from virus scanning. Sure
enough, that fixed it for that application.



Vito DeCarlo


My hopes was that my post would be fully read before anyone responded. The
problem with my posts has been the fact that once someone responds with an
answer that was already answered in my question, people seem to think that
my problem has been "handled" and there are usually no other posts.

BUT, I will go a step further and elaborate as well as give more information
that should have been included in the original post.

The server does NOT have any anti-virus programs installed (it was recently
removed to ensure that it was not causing problems). Also, my temporary fix
includes issuing the 'iisreset' command and this fixes the problem for a
random amount of time - anywhere from maybe 15 minutes to almost a full day.

Also, the system is running on 768MB of RAM and has about 400MB free so it's
not a problem with resources. I'm also running the 1.1 version of .NET.


Hermit Dave

What OS are you running on.
Plus set a performance monitor on a few things like size pagefile of the OS
trust me 400 megs in the root with a variable pagefile isnt good enough.
what is the location of page file.

Look into the basic system parameters first...

Hermit Dave

Vito DeCarlo


Thanks for the response. The pagefile is in the default location and the
system is running on a single drive. The system has been running that same
amount of memory for over a three years without any problems until recently.

I'll setup those monitors and see what I can find.


Vito DeCarlo


Sorry - the system is running on Windows 2000 Advanced Server with the 1.1
version of .NET and all of the latest updates through Windows Update.


Hermit Dave

Its alright mate,

start >> run >> perfmon
add all sorts of counters you can think of
you also have a lot of .net related counters including a few for asp.net
you also have IIS counters

so just add a few and monitor which one is behaving badly....


Hermit Dave


It looks like it could be the .net application you have installed on the
you should check the code of this application, may be there is any
subroutine ore any process that
stay in a loop and this consume your resource of your server

if you are using the same amount of memory since 3 years ago may be that
could be a problem too
window 2000 server require most memory. IIS consume a lot of resource and
also as much
request the server response = more memory consume. consider that too

Vito DeCarlo

I can't seem to find anything that looks "out of whack". Here's another

The CPU is never going over 15% in total usage.

The "Available Memory" is never going under 400MB out of a total 768MB of

I've shut down and restarted the major websites on the server with no
success, but when I issue the "IISRESET" command, everything goes back to

Today, everything was running beautifully since I made the original post
(over 12 hours). It just happened again about 30 minutes ago. I looked at
dozens and dozens of items in the Performance Monitor but couldn't find
anything that didn't look right (not that I know exactly what to look for to
solve this issue).

Any other suggestions??

Aaron McAlpine

I know I responded with this suggestion in my email to you, but I thought
I'd post it here too:

We had a similar problem it ended up being related to Windows
authentication. Our company is
in the process of flattening multiple domains into a single domain using
Active Directory. The server was on the old domain and moving it to the new
domain solved the problem. Although I don't know what the actual problem
was, it was definitely an authentication issue. Apparently the slowness was
a timeout while authenticating the user. I proved it by building two sample
applications. One had authentication mode = "None" and the other was set to
"Windows". The app using Windows authentication had the response time issue
and the other did not.

Good luck.

I hope this helps someone that may be having this frustrating problem.

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