Looking at what is posted here, I'm afraid this will be a real dumb thing to ask (I'm just getting into web programming after having worked in mainframe programming for a long time).
I'm learning about ADO RDS Binding. My (simple) web page finally has been made to successfully retrieve a little data from my sample database (which has a "songs" table and a "users" table - joinable on a field called "username").
I'm now trying to persist the extracted recordset (eventually in XML and in a "stream") and to make a user fiendish (oops - I meant "friendly") "table" with sortable column headers and all that...
To help me learn about the topic, I found a very interesting MSDN article that had a great looking VBScript at the bottom. The idea of the script is to present form input fields via the page and you can override defaulted connection info and have the script draw you a simple "table" from one of your database tables...
Well - I can't get the VBScript to work... I get the form inputs to show up just fine but when I click the "run" button, nothing seems to really happen (and I sure don't get my MS Access info displayed in a "table" on the screen like is supposed to happen). So, my question is "can someone coach me as to how to get the script really to work?" I can share where to find version of the script if that would help.
The MDSN article is at: (except for very minor tailoring like putting my column names in where they had different columns, my script is exactly like the one in the article)http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ado270/htm/mdobjaddataconx.asp
Some of my connection info is as follows:
DataBasePath = Server.MapPath("..\db\fpdb\srtestdb.mdb")
DatBaseDriver = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source="
DataBaseSource = DatBaseDriver & DataBasePath
Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Create an ADO recordset object
Set rsSRDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT [songs].[songtitle], [songs].[songgenre], [songs].[songusername],
[users].[username], [users].[emailaddr] FROM users LEFT JOIN songs ON [users].[username]
' Open the recordset with the SQL query
rsSRDB.Open strSQL, DBConn
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I'm learning about ADO RDS Binding. My (simple) web page finally has been made to successfully retrieve a little data from my sample database (which has a "songs" table and a "users" table - joinable on a field called "username").
I'm now trying to persist the extracted recordset (eventually in XML and in a "stream") and to make a user fiendish (oops - I meant "friendly") "table" with sortable column headers and all that...
To help me learn about the topic, I found a very interesting MSDN article that had a great looking VBScript at the bottom. The idea of the script is to present form input fields via the page and you can override defaulted connection info and have the script draw you a simple "table" from one of your database tables...
Well - I can't get the VBScript to work... I get the form inputs to show up just fine but when I click the "run" button, nothing seems to really happen (and I sure don't get my MS Access info displayed in a "table" on the screen like is supposed to happen). So, my question is "can someone coach me as to how to get the script really to work?" I can share where to find version of the script if that would help.
The MDSN article is at: (except for very minor tailoring like putting my column names in where they had different columns, my script is exactly like the one in the article)http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ado270/htm/mdobjaddataconx.asp
Some of my connection info is as follows:
DataBasePath = Server.MapPath("..\db\fpdb\srtestdb.mdb")
DatBaseDriver = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source="
DataBaseSource = DatBaseDriver & DataBasePath
Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Create an ADO recordset object
Set rsSRDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT [songs].[songtitle], [songs].[songgenre], [songs].[songusername],
[users].[username], [users].[emailaddr] FROM users LEFT JOIN songs ON [users].[username]
' Open the recordset with the SQL query
rsSRDB.Open strSQL, DBConn
Sent via Fuzzy Software @ http://www.fuzzysoftware.com/
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET resources...