I found this file on a hacked server a few weeks ago.
A scan by all the major AV programs shows that less than 1/2 detected
this file.
The great Kaspersky and Mcafee do not see it. Makes you warm and
fuzzy dont it.
Whats the excuse for this?
AntiVir 02.22.2007 TR/Dldr.Banload.ZV.4
Authentium 4.93.8 02.23.2007 no virus found
Avast 4.7.936.0 02.22.2007 no virus found
AVG 386 02.22.2007 Downloader.Dadobra.EW
BitDefender 7.2 02.23.2007 Trojan.Downloader.Banload.ZV
CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 02.22.2007 (Suspicious) - DNAScan
ClamAV devel-20060426 02.22.2007 no virus found
DrWeb 4.33 02.23.2007 Trojan.DownLoader.18159
eSafe 02.23.2007 Suspicious Trojan/Worm
eTrust-Vet 30.4.3420 02.22.2007 no virus found
Ewido 4.0 02.22.2007 Downloader.Delf.acc
FileAdvisor 1 02.23.2007 no virus found
Fortinet 02.22.2007 W32/Dloader.FUQ!tr
F-Prot 02.22.2007 no virus found
F-Secure 6.70.13030.0 02.23.2007 no virus found
Ikarus T3.1.0.31 02.22.2007 Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Banload.btw
Kaspersky 02.23.2007 no virus found
McAfee 4969 02.22.2007 no virus found
Microsoft 1.2204 02.23.2007 no virus found
NOD32v2 2076 02.22.2007 a variant of Win32/TrojanDownloader.Dadobra.IA
Norman 5.80.02 02.22.2007 no virus found
Panda 02.23.2007 Trj/Downloader.MPX
Prevx1 V2 02.23.2007 no virus found
Sophos 4.14.0 02.21.2007 no virus found
Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 02.22.2007 Trojan-Downloader.Banload.ZV
Symantec 10 02.23.2007 no virus found
TheHacker 02.21.2007 no virus found
UNA 1.83 02.22.2007 no virus found
VBA32 3.11.2 02.22.2007 suspected of Worm.Viking.7 (paranoid
VirusBuster 4.3.19:9 02.22.2007 no virus found
A scan by all the major AV programs shows that less than 1/2 detected
this file.
The great Kaspersky and Mcafee do not see it. Makes you warm and
fuzzy dont it.
Whats the excuse for this?
AntiVir 02.22.2007 TR/Dldr.Banload.ZV.4
Authentium 4.93.8 02.23.2007 no virus found
Avast 4.7.936.0 02.22.2007 no virus found
AVG 386 02.22.2007 Downloader.Dadobra.EW
BitDefender 7.2 02.23.2007 Trojan.Downloader.Banload.ZV
CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 02.22.2007 (Suspicious) - DNAScan
ClamAV devel-20060426 02.22.2007 no virus found
DrWeb 4.33 02.23.2007 Trojan.DownLoader.18159
eSafe 02.23.2007 Suspicious Trojan/Worm
eTrust-Vet 30.4.3420 02.22.2007 no virus found
Ewido 4.0 02.22.2007 Downloader.Delf.acc
FileAdvisor 1 02.23.2007 no virus found
Fortinet 02.22.2007 W32/Dloader.FUQ!tr
F-Prot 02.22.2007 no virus found
F-Secure 6.70.13030.0 02.23.2007 no virus found
Ikarus T3.1.0.31 02.22.2007 Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Banload.btw
Kaspersky 02.23.2007 no virus found
McAfee 4969 02.22.2007 no virus found
Microsoft 1.2204 02.23.2007 no virus found
NOD32v2 2076 02.22.2007 a variant of Win32/TrojanDownloader.Dadobra.IA
Norman 5.80.02 02.22.2007 no virus found
Panda 02.23.2007 Trj/Downloader.MPX
Prevx1 V2 02.23.2007 no virus found
Sophos 4.14.0 02.21.2007 no virus found
Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 02.22.2007 Trojan-Downloader.Banload.ZV
Symantec 10 02.23.2007 no virus found
TheHacker 02.21.2007 no virus found
UNA 1.83 02.22.2007 no virus found
VBA32 3.11.2 02.22.2007 suspected of Worm.Viking.7 (paranoid
VirusBuster 4.3.19:9 02.22.2007 no virus found