Very nice

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I really think that Vista will be a big hit. Unfortunatly you don't provide
service yet so I can't get help with my problem very easily. Other then that,
the overall look and use of Vista is very nice.
Computers rule! Too bad they need so much work...

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I don't know what service you are referring to that MSFT doesn't provide.
MSFT long ago at the highest levels made the decision that as far as
sub-enterprise phone support they would just run it into the ground with
little regard for their customers in the context of PSS and it shows.

They do provide a phone support service and the quality is such that if it
were practiced in my profession and many others, a lot of people would get
hurt badly. It's not manned by MSFT but it's mandated by their business
heads that wants to save money by getting the cheapest level of help from a
company contracted to do it called Convergys of Ohio based in Cinncinaiti
Ohio, a town on the Ohio River, and then outsourcing it to predominantly to
large cities in India. Their executive teams at every level are aware of
this support, and they have opted to let it run itself into the ground.

MSFT consciously exercises no quality control over this service for Office
and its 26 or so applications in Office "Systems" from Dallas or from
Redmond for the Windows OS and other software.

I'm aware that many terrific Indian engineers are at MSFT throughtout the
Vista and other software teams, just as many Indian families have excelled
at the top in Americans schools at every level, and that MSFT research has
many Indian personnel and this isn't an ethnic comment, it's a geographical
one and an economic one. I'm aware that MSFT sent a longtime Indian member
of MSFT Research to head up MSFT Research India, and again we're talking
different planets of talent.

I can understand almost any fragment of attempt at English, but I think
these personnel employed at the convergys call centers for MSFT present a
tremendous challenge in understandinng their English and my Indian neighbors
say it is far from the level of English they would expect from them.

Minimum waged butts in seats that I've tested many times provide a much
poorer level of support than we do for MFST for free here.

This is one of the taboo subjects that no one from MSFT ever wants to
discuss, pretending it doesn't exist. It is certainly like much tech
support via phone, a compelling incentive to get yourself into the position
where you don't need tech support from my point of view.

So if you would divulge your problem that is not solved, some of us might be
able to take a swing. The newsgroups are a far richer area of support for
MSFT customers for MSFT products, and they are open 24 X7.

You won't ever see any one from MSFT jump in to defend this phone support
contracted by MSFT to Convergys, or any MVP who knows it because it is not
defensible. It almost begs the question why does Convergys have this kind
of control over MSFT?

But do they unconsciously? I think you intended to say "MSFT deliberately
..." or "MSFT is conscious they exercise no.."

Please get it right next time, eh Chad?
Yo Saucy--

I did get it right.. Consciously is a synonym in this context for the
overused word deliberately and unless you read my message in brail I said
that MSFT PSS is eggregiously crappy and a hoax perpetuated by people at
MSFT who could care less about providing PSS and are content to head fake it
and disappoint and disillusion thousands of their customers.

Let me know which honors English major you did. Which part of the 2nd
paragraph didn't you get.

Try this one. There is superb help provided in the newsgroups and MSFT
provides the most eggregiously crappy help to their millions of
sub-enterprise home and small business users imaginable. I'm not shy on
that point as to how I really feel. I'm also not alone. Many MVPs have
agreed with me but they don't like to say so publically because they know
while their accomplishements are well deserved, politics can strip an
outspoken MVP--it's one of the many ways MSFT likes to muzzle some people
but fortunately not most of us.

"Studiously" could also be considered a synonym of "deliberately" but its
use there would have been inappropriate. The use of "consciously" as a
synonym for "deliberately" there introduces an element of ambiguity in

So, next time, please use the words "deliberately" and "consciously"

Note: a word is not being overused when used appropriately.

Thank you Chad, for your cooperation in the matter. I expect no future


If you have a Vista problem start a new thread and post to the appropriate
Give specifics and someone here will probably be able to help with a

It is normal for pre-release software to be non-supported directly by
Microsoft.Of course that will change when Vista is released.
Among my multiple majors was an honors English program at a very good
school. I stand by my word choices, and don't recall answering to you for
them. However, I'm sure if you want to advance me what I think it's worth
in cash via wire , up front within 48 hours, I can make an exception for
you once.

You have an exponentially large learning curve before you have a clear
perception of a standardized application of the concept of semantic
ambiguity. How quintissentially presumptious of you to misconstrue it. How
frigging crazy of you to scold people like a dowdy school marm in an
elementary school on a group whose major focus is fixing and using Windows
Vista replete with sententious, stilted, elete, effete and banal aphorisms.

Chad, when you compose posts please avoid excessive use of the thesaurus.
Trust me, it shows and is in bad taste. Even more so, try to avoid the bad
habit of making superfluous use of the adjective altogether, for the effect
of doing so is not what you think it is; rather, it is merely

Note: Highlands Elementary can't really be considered "a very good school"
in the context of this thread.

Thank you for your cooperation in the matter. I expect no future mistakes.


unless you read my message in brail

I'm not taking sides on this argument at all ... and no offense to anyone
.... I just wanted to say this really cracked me up! lol

*high point of my day award*
Saucy said:
Chad, when you compose posts please avoid excessive use of the thesaurus.
Trust me, it shows and is in bad taste. Even more so, try to avoid the bad
habit of making superfluous use of the adjective altogether, for the effect
of doing so is not what you think it is; rather, it is merely

Note: Highlands Elementary can't really be considered "a very good school"
in the context of this thread.

Thank you for your cooperation in the matter. I expect no future mistakes.

Ouch, what a slap down. LMAO