Very lost on how to make this report

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I want to search my tblCustomers for all customers in a specific state or
city (that much I can do) and then "check off boxes" (?) of the ones I want
to visit. Then print a report with just those checked. I also want to save
the information for future reference but, I'm not sure a.) if I have to
create a new table to store this info or could I just save a snap shot of the
report, b.) do I just add a feild in my Customers for "print" and if so how
would I save each visit for reference and clear the feilds for the next visit
report. This may be simple and I'm looking at it all wrong. I've tried to
look for examples but I don't even know how to ask the question in a simple
search. Any help on this would really, REALLY be appreciated.
If all you want is to be able to pick customers for the report without
keeping a permanent record of who was picked when, the yes, add a yes/no
field to your table to you can click the records you want. You can then
create a query where this field is True, and use is as the Record Source for
your report.

You probably want a button on your form to reset all boxes to Off again. If
so the event procedure would look like this:
Private Sub cmdResetAll_Click()
Dim strSql As String
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False 'Save any changes first.
strSql = "UPDATE Customers SET IsPicked = False WHERE IsPicked =
dbEngine(0)(0).Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End Sub

If you want to keep track of who was picked when, you will need another
table with fields like this:
CustomerID relates to the primary key of your Customers table.
PickDate date/time field, with Default Value set to: =Date()

You can add records to this table, and then create a query joining this and
the Customers table, with Criteria on the PickDate field to limit it to
those picked on a particular date.
Thank you for responding Allen. I think I understand now!? I'll give it a try
and reply later. Thanks again!


Along the lines of what you are trying to do, I have a calendar report
module that shows sales calls for any month you select in the calendar. I
could implement this in your database for you for a very reasonable fee. If
you are interested, contact me at my email address below and I will send you
a screen shot of the calendar report.