Very disturbing video.


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I had not seen the movie but this video I saw on YT opened my eyes. 30 years back this kind of movie would be rated 18 but in today's age it is publicized and promoted, plus getting all those Oscars. Times are a changin for sure. What do you think?

It's Tarantino innit, what do you expect?

There are too many self-righteous opinionated critics who will preach to you (or try) what they think is right.

Most folk will have an idea of what the film's all about before they view so if people don't like it, don't watch it.

And on another note, after what the Nazis done to the Jews in WW2 it's rather good to have payback, if only in fantasy land.

Of course, this whole subject opens up, indirectly, the whole middle east conflict happening worldwide atm, extreme islam, afghanistan, Iraq, the taliban, helmland, young British troops in coffins and the whole rotten mess, so we could be on dangerous ground here.
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the Tarantino movie 'Inglorious Basterds' (I have not seen it so I can't comment) - I think you should be aware of the background of David Duke (google him), the individual who posted the Youtube critique of Tarantino's movie.

David Duke is a white-nationalist and an ex-'Grand Wizard' of the Ku Klux Klan.

I think that Duke's extreme far-right background explains why he finds a film which bashes Nazis so offensive.

To cut a long story short - Duke is basically a neo-Nazi and anything he says should be viewed in this context.

Personally I find the views of Duke and his ilk highly distasteful.
Exup01 said:
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the Tarantino movie 'Inglorious Basterds' (I have not seen it so I can't comment) - I think you should be aware of the background of David Duke (google him), the individual who posted the Youtube critique of Tarantino's movie.

David Duke is a white-nationalist and an ex-'Grand Wizard' of the Ku Klux Klan.

I think that Duke's extreme far-right background explains why he finds a film which bashes Nazis so offensive.

To cut a long story short - Duke is basically a neo-Nazi and anything he says should be viewed in this context.

Personally I find the views of Duke and his ilk highly distasteful.

Thank you for the insight into who David Duke is, I had no idea about that. :thumb: