Very brave, or Very stupid

I think it's probably a bit of both ;) That must be an incredible thrill to do something like that!

Breaking the sound barrier is going to be quite a challenge, even in freefall from that height. I wouldn't fancy doing Mach 1 freefall, that's for sure

Thanks for posting this, I love seeing projects along these lines :thumb:
LOL 700mph

If he opened up his visor he would literally disintegrate as all the water in his body evaporated

Absolutely crazy
My first throught is how is it possible. As the rules of Terminal Velocity would still apply. So you would still be travelling at the same speed if you were jumping from 10,000 feet to 120,000 feet.

Terminal Velocity is just the maximum freefall speed of an object (i.e. the drag force is equal to that of gravity). That's why they'll have to try and minimise any drag effect to reach Mach 1.

The speed of sound (Mach 1) varies depending on the altitide (but not linearly), so the speed could realistically be anywhere from around 650-750mph at the altitudes he's likely to be passing through.