Using Access 2003, I have a subform in datasheet view which gets data from a
query which sorts records in alphabetic order. The subform specifies
vertical scroll bar only, allows edits, deletions and additions and has
navigation buttons. When I open the main form, the datasheet on the subform
does not show the vertical scroll bar, even though there are more records
than can display in the space available. If I click on the new record
navigation button and enter a new record, the scroll bar magically appears.
When I change the data source on the subform to the actual table, rather than
a query, the vertical scroll bar displays OK, but the records are displayed
in the order entered, rather than alphabetic order, despite setting the Order
By property to the field to be sorted. The table is linked and only has 2
fields, an Autonumber Primary Key field and a text data field. Can anyone
query which sorts records in alphabetic order. The subform specifies
vertical scroll bar only, allows edits, deletions and additions and has
navigation buttons. When I open the main form, the datasheet on the subform
does not show the vertical scroll bar, even though there are more records
than can display in the space available. If I click on the new record
navigation button and enter a new record, the scroll bar magically appears.
When I change the data source on the subform to the actual table, rather than
a query, the vertical scroll bar displays OK, but the records are displayed
in the order entered, rather than alphabetic order, despite setting the Order
By property to the field to be sorted. The table is linked and only has 2
fields, an Autonumber Primary Key field and a text data field. Can anyone