version updates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff
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Is the update feature able to update the Defender version and engines along
with the definitions?
Jeff said:
Is the update feature able to update the Defender version and engines along
with the definitions?

Jeff read my posted reply to your earlier question. It appears that window defender was changed. To get the new version I had to download defender again. I did not need to uninstall, it updated to 1.11372.0 and updated definations.
Engine, definitely yes. This has happened at least twice so far, I believe.
It's unclear whether the UI code can come in this way as well (If you go to
Help, About, the top number is the UI, second the Engine, and third the
definitions. the latter two definitely come in automatically). So far, new
UI has needed a new download. I suspect however that this won't always be
Thanks Bill,
Sorry about the rant about RTP and stuff. I would like to be
able to see a scan log tho. I know I can go to the event viewer-but that's a
pain, And again thanks for the update clarification,I ended up uninstalling
Defender;then reinstalling; so now I'm at the latest(I think) Engine and
definition files. the UI is v 1.1.1347.0
the Engine is v1.1.1372.0 One last note then i won't bother you anymore-it
looks like you guys addressed the checkpoint issue with system restore. I
don't see excessive defender checkpoints after this new Defender version
UI,engine,and definition. Thanks,
and the Definition file is 1.14.1410.10
I'm glad you aren't seeing the checkpoints, but I sure don't know what
changed--I think others with your UI and engine version still see the

You know you can create a custom view into the log to see just the Defender
entries--this could even be it's own console, so you'd have an icon to do
just that. Not as neat as another page within the app, but it shouldn't be
hard to find. We had some discussion about this and somebody even created a
web page and executable to set this up--name began with Mhz--let me know if
you want me to help find it.
Thanks for the response. The other day I did download Mhz's little program;
but sincehave had other major issues with my pc-too the point of
reinstalling XP PRO-drastic;but it was my own fault;and I have nothing of
value(i.e. data-finances-private stuff etc.)on this pc so for me it was just
a little nuisance-however lost some of those cool little utilities etc. And
if not with you but maybe other MS people ,we also had a discussion about
the RTP features,I like what has been done;however the ability to see
exactly what was done-easily; was my point about Defender needing a way-in
tools if possible;to see that type of data;like MSAS did very well. But I do
understand that this is a beta and maybe the powers that be-will find a way
to put that into the program somewhere. But if not that's o.k. too I guess.
If you could find that little exe. from Mhz i'de appreciate it. And I do
sincerely appreciate your time in responding to me. Thanks, you give
credibilty against alot of negativeism from people that say MS doesnt listen
to us.
I hope I stated that right.
I never managed to grab the executable. However--here's the link to the
original page, which has now become a blog, so you can comunicate directly:

I don't work for Microsoft--I'm just a volunteer--but my observation is that
they do, in fact, listen, and act directly on expressed preferences. One
example of this in this beta is the change to allow display of the tray
icon--and there have been others as well that I probably can't easily
