(e-mail address removed):
I'm looking for a freeware version of a book layout program called
Clickbooks. Does anything like that exist? Does someone have a link?
Thanks for the help.
Putting "Clickbooks + freeware" into groups.google turned up little
more than this thread from ACF:
That thread took place a few years ago. Judging by the paucity of ACF
search results, I'm led to believe that you do not mean that you are
seaching for some LFW (last freeware version) of a software called
Instead, that you want a freeware that does.....<something or other>.
Note that it's not our yob 'round here to be intimately versed in all
the payware products that people might want to name. And, for me at
least, "book layout" is not a strong keyword; (albeit might be different
for others). You'd probably get the best help by describing purpose and
functions that you seek...