Kai Sandner said:
I am looking for an USB interface (hardware)
like the ones which are used in USB printers.
It should receive files from a PC over a USB
connection and cache data for further use.
Kai Sandner
Printers don't receive "files" over USB, they receive
a file (or something displayed on the screen that hasn't
yet been saved and thusly is not yet a "file")
converted to stream of bits.
It is up to the processing unit of the printer to (maybe) cache, rearrange
and format the bits and send them to the print head in
order to produce printed output. This is all specific to
the print engine used by the printer.
The other half of the equation is the printer driver on the
host PC, which converts whatever you want to print into
the bits sent through the USB interface in the first place.
Again, all specific to the printer.
If you have a print engine WITHOUT any logic at all,
and you are trying to interface it via USB to a PC, have
fun. You have taken on a very large project and will likely
have to write all the code yourself, as well as figure out
how to "talk" to the print engine.