For my trusty old P2B, I got a Powerleap PL-iP3 Revision 2 adaptor and a
1.3g Celeron Tualatin Retail Box -seperately- for a good price. At work, I
assembled a wonderful new system with 2.4g P4, Asus P4G8X Deluxe mb with
SATA RAID, 80 gig drives, 1 gig of DDR ram (can't remember speed, latency,
etc.), and lots of other goodies. At home, my trusty old P2B started to
seem SO much slower than it did in the past, but with a new baby in the
house, and a variety of home improvement projects requiring all the extra $,
a new computer was not possible.
So, a little Internet digging scared up the PL-iP3 & 1.3g Cele deal for a
wallet (and wife) pleasing sum. Everything installed without a hitch and
has been running flawlessly.
Yet 2 issues concern me, so if those with more experience and knowledge
would be so kind to answer:
1.) SiS-Sandra is reporting V-Core of 2.0 volts, while the CPU needs to run
at 1.5v and is properly jumpered to do so. My assumption is that Sandra is
reporting the voltage delivered to the Powerleap adaptor, and that the
PL-iP3 will do its job to step down the voltage?... Is there any way to
verify that the PL-iP3 is doing its job, outside of a dmm? The heatsink is
only minutely warm.
2.) I didn't buy the full Powerleap assembled kit, so I am using the retail
Intel heat dissapation solution. The heat transfer interface on the heat
sink, some type of black, thin, dry coating does not seem adequate for the
job. Yet, I am not an engineer, and I want to trust Intel's provision.
Obviously, I could buy thermal compound, but I am not intending to
overclock, my case is good sized and well ventilated, and Intel has a
reputation for good/adequate, if not excellent/robust cooling setups. I am
curious as to others ideas/recommendations for this issue.
Thanks, in advance, for anyone's comments/help!
1.3g Celeron Tualatin Retail Box -seperately- for a good price. At work, I
assembled a wonderful new system with 2.4g P4, Asus P4G8X Deluxe mb with
SATA RAID, 80 gig drives, 1 gig of DDR ram (can't remember speed, latency,
etc.), and lots of other goodies. At home, my trusty old P2B started to
seem SO much slower than it did in the past, but with a new baby in the
house, and a variety of home improvement projects requiring all the extra $,
a new computer was not possible.
So, a little Internet digging scared up the PL-iP3 & 1.3g Cele deal for a
wallet (and wife) pleasing sum. Everything installed without a hitch and
has been running flawlessly.
Yet 2 issues concern me, so if those with more experience and knowledge
would be so kind to answer:
1.) SiS-Sandra is reporting V-Core of 2.0 volts, while the CPU needs to run
at 1.5v and is properly jumpered to do so. My assumption is that Sandra is
reporting the voltage delivered to the Powerleap adaptor, and that the
PL-iP3 will do its job to step down the voltage?... Is there any way to
verify that the PL-iP3 is doing its job, outside of a dmm? The heatsink is
only minutely warm.
2.) I didn't buy the full Powerleap assembled kit, so I am using the retail
Intel heat dissapation solution. The heat transfer interface on the heat
sink, some type of black, thin, dry coating does not seem adequate for the
job. Yet, I am not an engineer, and I want to trust Intel's provision.
Obviously, I could buy thermal compound, but I am not intending to
overclock, my case is good sized and well ventilated, and Intel has a
reputation for good/adequate, if not excellent/robust cooling setups. I am
curious as to others ideas/recommendations for this issue.
Thanks, in advance, for anyone's comments/help!