vc++ .net 2003 ide is killing itself ?


Lynn McGuire

I am starting up Visual C++ .net 2003. When I load any project,
it dies with the following error message:

Runtime Error !

Program: ...Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application support team for more information.

[ OK ]

What in the world is going wrong here ? I am running on a hyprethreaded
3.0 Ghz with 1 GB ram running Windows XP with SP2.


Andrew Roberts

I tend to find this is caused by 3rd Party Visual Studio plug-ins that are
not functioning correctly and that uninstalling them solves the problem.

Lynn McGuire

I tend to find this is caused by 3rd Party Visual Studio plug-ins that are
not functioning correctly and that uninstalling them solves the problem.

You got it ! I removd Boundschecker version 7.1 and now all is OK.

I just got notice about Boundschecker 7.2 yesterday !


Andrew Roberts

Boundschecker is also what was causing the problem here. I don't think 7.2
will solve your problem though. You may find it's a permissions problem,
are you installing as Administrator and then running as User or PowerUser?
If so after install you may need to make sure the permissions on the
%ProgramFiles%\Compuware give you full access, this may stop the crash. I
also found that rebooting after install helped.

Lynn McGuire

Boundschecker is also what was causing the problem here. I don't think 7.2
will solve your problem though. You may find it's a permissions problem,
are you installing as Administrator and then running as User or PowerUser?
If so after install you may need to make sure the permissions on the
%ProgramFiles%\Compuware give you full access, this may stop the crash. I
also found that rebooting after install helped.

I install as admin and run as admin so permissions is not a problem.

Boundschecker does not seem to be the help that it once was. I
have been thinking about moving to Purify to help track memory

Lynn McGuire

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