Hi All,
I have few link errors that i am not able to get rif off in a VC++ project
(plugin for filemaker) where i am trying to port the code written for a mac
to windows.
I am creating a object of a class and calling its member functions in
another file and during linking, i get the following error. Any pointer to
this issue is appreciated.
JCM_Functions.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: short
__thiscall JCM_PDBfile::setFile(char const *,char *)"
(?setFile@JCM_PDBfile@@QAEFPBDPAD@Z) referenced in function "short __stdcall
JCM_SetFile(short,class fmx::ExprEnv const &,class fmx:ataVect const
&,class fmx:ata &)"
// code in JCM_Functions.cpp
JCM_PDBfile* gDataFile = NULL;
// registered with FileMaker as external functions available via the plug-in.
FMX_PROC(fmx::errcode) ABC_SetFile(short index, const fmx::ExprEnv&
environment, const fmx:ataVect& dataVect, fmx:ata& results)
if(NULL != gDataFile)
delete gDataFile;
gDataFile = NULL;
if(NULL == gDataFile)
gDataFile = new JCM_PDBfile;
if(NULL != gDataFile) // open file and read contents into obj's buffer
errorResult = gDataFile->setFile((const char*) charbuffer);
I have few link errors that i am not able to get rif off in a VC++ project
(plugin for filemaker) where i am trying to port the code written for a mac
to windows.
I am creating a object of a class and calling its member functions in
another file and during linking, i get the following error. Any pointer to
this issue is appreciated.
JCM_Functions.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: short
__thiscall JCM_PDBfile::setFile(char const *,char *)"
(?setFile@JCM_PDBfile@@QAEFPBDPAD@Z) referenced in function "short __stdcall
JCM_SetFile(short,class fmx::ExprEnv const &,class fmx:ataVect const
&,class fmx:ata &)"
// code in JCM_Functions.cpp
JCM_PDBfile* gDataFile = NULL;
// registered with FileMaker as external functions available via the plug-in.
FMX_PROC(fmx::errcode) ABC_SetFile(short index, const fmx::ExprEnv&
environment, const fmx:ataVect& dataVect, fmx:ata& results)
if(NULL != gDataFile)
delete gDataFile;
gDataFile = NULL;
if(NULL == gDataFile)
gDataFile = new JCM_PDBfile;
if(NULL != gDataFile) // open file and read contents into obj's buffer
errorResult = gDataFile->setFile((const char*) charbuffer);