vc++ Beginner

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kapil Patry
  • Start date Start date

Kapil Patry

Hi all,
I know this is not the group for beginners..but i am not able to find
one.. can someone tell me the name for the beginners group?
Kapil Patry said:
Hi all,
I know this is not the group for beginners..but i am not able to find
one.. can someone tell me the name for the beginners group?

Could you be more specific? Are you a beginner with C++ or Visual C++?
You're answer will determine what newsgroups to suggest. But if you are a
newbie to Visual C++ .Net, this place is as good as any to ask questions
specific to it.

- Don Kim
Hi there,
I am a vc++ newbie, and I am having a problem. I really hope that anyone
can help me out.

I need urgent help. I am writing my dissertation, and using a C++ program
for a Monte Carlo simulation. For some reason, one of my outputs, which is
supposed to be a number, shows up as above: -1.#IND.

Anyone with any idea why this is and how I can get rid of it?
Thanks so much to anyone who can help me!
Hi there,
I am a vc++ newbie, and I am having a problem. I really hope that anyone
can help me out.

I need urgent help. I am writing my dissertation, and using a C++ program
for a Monte Carlo simulation. For some reason, one of my outputs, which is
supposed to be a number, shows up as above: -1.#IND.

you're probably doing a division by zero. Check your algorithm/input,
and/or use a math library.

You can enable dividebyzero exceptions like this:

_controlfp( _EM_ZERODIVIDE, _MCW_EM );